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Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at Book Date.


Welcome to my Serendipity blog, where I once wrote my very first Sunday Salon posts, back when it was an event on its own site.  Since those days, I have moved these updates between three of my sites (Rainy Days & Mondays, Curl up and Read, and Serendipity).

We had another hot week with a few slightly cooler days, but it was a week that felt like it sped by.  Every day had something going on, mostly with too many days when I had to use the alarm clock.

So last night, I went to sleep very early (10:00 p.m.!), and hoped for a nice long sleep.  But then a cricket woke me up!  Wow, I can’t remember the last time that happened.  I went out to the living room, and a little later, there it was again.  I captured it, however…and finally slept again.

Meanwhile, I did enjoy reading and reviewing three books, and I now have 40 books completed for my Read the Books You Buy Challenge.

Not much Netflix viewing this week….maybe this weekend.  Let’s grab some coffee and chat.


Madeleine on June 15 - coffee



Weekend Potpourri:  Landlines, Etc.

Sunday Potpourri:  Celebrating Special Moments, Past & Present

Read the Books You Buy Challenge:  Mid-Year Check-In

Happy Fourth of July:  Remembering the Past, Enjoying the Present

Tuesday Potpourri:  “Must Love Dogs:  New Leash on Life”

Hump Day Potpourri:  A Day of Reading, Etc.

Hump Day Reading:  Current, Past, & Anticipating

Thursday Potpourri:  Naming & Other Tidbits

Bookish Thursday #21:  Serendipitous Moments

Bookish Friday:  “In Twenty Years”

An Upcoming Change:  Moving Weekly Updates

Review:  Friction (e-book), by Sandra Brown

Review:  Clouds in My Coffee (e-book, Book 3), by Julie Mulhern

Review:  The Beauty of the End, by Debbie Howells (Amazon Vine)


INCOMING BOOKS: (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

No books in my mailbox!  But I downloaded an e-ARC from NetGalley, and purchased an e-book.

Damaged (e-book), by Lisa Scottoline (NetGalley – August 16)






The Melody Lingers On (e-book), by Mary Higgins Clark






WHAT’S UP NEXT? (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

Currently Reading:  Dear Carolina (e-book), by Kristy Woodson Harvey






I have several other possibilities for this week…so I’ll choose from them depending on my mood. 


Flight Patterns (e-book), by Karen White




cover resized



My Husband’s Wives (e-book), by Faith Hogan






What did your week look like?  Join me in toasting another good one….



Red Robin margarita - july



  1. Seems you had quite the busy week!

    I work early early mornings, so I’m lucky to MAKE it to ten pm these days–usually I’m out by 8 or 9 (I feel so old! XD ) I had a morning this week that started off pretty…rushed… Silly alarm clocks, you’re supposed to be turned ON to actually work! I was just a little late for work…oops! It’s okay though, it’s only the second time in the almost 2 years I’ve been working there that I’ve been late.

    Here’s hoping you have a great week ahead of you! Thanks again for stopping by my StS!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for visiting, Beth, and I don’t mind busy weeks, but I really hate having to get up early to go somewhere. I have no problem with early rising if I can hang around and sip coffee…lol.

      Enjoy your week…and all of your books.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I find it hard to go down early during the Summer months. So much to do and read 😉 Lisa Scottoline is one of those authors I have been meaning to read. Have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That cricket would have driven me crazy! Glad you were able to catch it though. That’s great about the 4 books for the challenge. I’m not reading nearly as much as I really need to right now. I vote for Flight Patterns for next week because that one’s tempting me and I’d love to see your thoughts. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I was freaking out a little over that cricket, and definitely had to leave the room. It followed me, of course, but I could see it better in the living room and I pounced! But I hope that’s the last of the crickets, as I don’t like losing sleep…lol.

      Thanks for stopping by, Katherine, and I do hope to get to Flight Patterns this week.


  4. It was hot here too this week, although rain cooled it off a few times. A nice week though all things considered. I started Marcella this week on Netflix and even though reviews I’ve seen are being a little hard on it, I rather like it. Yeah there may be too many interconnected plot points, but it’s gripping.

    I hate it when a cricket gets in the house! Had one in the kitchen once and couldn’t find him lol… eventually I did of course but ugh, aggravating! lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I ended up watching all the episodes of Marcella last weekend, and really enjoyed it. I hope there are more seasons.

      Thanks for stopping by, Greg, and I haven’t had crickets in the house since the 1980s! I used to get a few back then whenever the kids would come in and leave the door open while talking…very annoying! lol.

      I had lizards occasionally in my house in the foothills, which I didn’t like, either. Nor did I like the two bats that got in, on two separate occasions…yikes!


  5. Crickets can be so annoying! You were busy on your blogs last week. O_o
    We had several hot days this week but happily it’s cooled down. I even turned off my A/C! But my windows are still closed (allergies).
    The Melody Lingers On by Mary Higgins Clark looks good; I enjoy her books.
    Have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, yes they are! I hate the sound they make and how they leap unexpectedly…lol.

      I notice that the temps will be down to the 90s this week…until Wednesday.

      I like MHC books, too, and I love the cover on that one. Thanks for stopping by, Bea.


  6. Ha! I looked for your post earlier on your other blog and couldn’t find it and this is why. You’re HERE! 🙂

    I’ve got the Debbie Howells book to read but it’s a while off publishing yet so I keep deferring it.

    Am jealous re the Lisa Scottoline book and didn’t realise she had a new one coming out!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, sorry, Deborah; I did put a post on the other blog directing visitors here…and it was on FB. I guess I should stick to one site, but I get bored and also want visitors to see each of my blogs….lol.

      I love Scottoline’s books…and because it comes out in August, I can read it soon. Yay! Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your Howells book.


  7. Literary Feline

    Congratulations on your progress with the Read the Books You Buy Challenge. You’re doing great, Laurel-Rain. Damaged sounds really good. It’s been awhile since I last read anything by Scottoline. Flight Patterns is on my list to read. I love Karen White’s writing.

    This week will be a busy one for me at work and with my mom visiting. I imagine I won’t have much online time. I hope you have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Wendy, enjoy your time with your mom….and I am reminded of last year at this time when I had house guests (son and DIL) for most of the summer. It was great, but blogging and reading suffered.

      I love Scottoline…and Karen White, too. Have a great week!


  8. I do hope the heat keeps at a manageable level for you – and the crickets allow you to sleep. I know you chose My Husband’s Wives by mistake but I’ve read some good reviews of this one over the last week or so, hopefully you’ll enjoy it too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, sometimes the “accidental happenings” turn out very nicely, Cleo. (The theme of this blog! lol). As for the heat, it is in the nineties until Wednesday, supposedly, so that’s good.

      The cricket is gone, and none took its place! Fingers crossed. Actually, that was the first cricket indoors for me since many years ago.

      Thanks for stopping by…and have a great week!


  9. We’re in a cricket-free zone – though my husband’s snoring is terrible! The grandchildren call them ‘Papa’s rumbles’. You’ve had a fabulous blogging week and hope the slightly cooler weather continues. We could seriously do with warmer weather – it’s cloudy, windy and has been raining. Again. In the meantime, have a great week:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha-ha. Yes, snoring can be annoying, too, but still better than crickets. None last night, and I hadn’t had any for many years. I can remember a summer in the late 80s when they seemed to be everywhere!

      Thanks for visiting, Sarah, and enjoy your week.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hm. Not convinced about the snoring vs crickets… but at least I can curl up on the lounge, switch the TV on and get some sleep – I’m guessing you don’t sleep all that well with crickets chirruping in the background… Hope they fade into silence and you sufficient rest.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. It was just one cricket, but the sound was the least of it, of course. Images of that thing jumping on me kept me awake. But when I moved to the living room, I slept, then I heard it again…but I saw it! So it was all over for that creature…lol.


    1. I hadn’t either, Shandy, and hopefully it will be many more years before I hear another one inside!

      Thanks for stopping by, and I did have fun blogging….and I read one less book. Have a great week.


  10. I don’t mind the sound of crickets outside but inside the house would drive me nuts. I have Dear Carolina on my to read list since I enjoyed the author’s second book so much. I hope the temps cool even more for you, Laurel. Have a good week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, yes, I was definitely wringing my hands. Fled to the living room, and then it joined me there….but I demolished it. LOL.

      Dear Carolina is unusual…but with an interesting look at shared motherhood. I bought this one after reading the second book.

      Thanks for visiting, and have a great week, Mary. I am enjoying the slightly cooler temps the last day or so (90s).


  11. We had too many early mornings this week, too… I was in bed by 10 almost every night, lol! Glad you enjoyed Clouds in My Coffee. I’m already looking forward to the next installment. Your drink looks delicious 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I finally caught up on my sleep…I slept until 7:15 this morning, which was a nine hour sleep.

      I do hope there is a next installment after Clouds in My Coffee…I had thought it was a trilogy, but maybe not. I hope not. Thanks for stopping by, JoAnn, and here’s to a week free of early mornings!


  12. katarguelles

    We drove by Fresno on our way to LA and it was cool weather. It’s nice to get a relief from the hot temperature. You are doing really good on your reading challenge. I’ve been focusing on the books I have so it feels good to see my TBR list go down. I hope you have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, LA is nice…my second son lives there and said it was in the 80s. We were in the nineties yesterday…and for the next couple of days. Thanks for stopping by, Kathy, and I just realized that I almost forgot one of my review books, due 7/12! I thought I had until the 22nd. Hate when that happens.


  13. Sounds like a great week you had… and hopefully another ahead. I now want to read Damaged by Lisa Scottoline after turning that down in favor of I’ve Got Sand in all the Wrong Places by the publisher. They said to choose either, for this author I would choose them all!

    I love the new look of this blog, very sharp! I remember last summer you had guests the whole time–the Berliners– and were moving your furniture around to make room 🙂

    I love the cover of Dear Carolina, and knowing nothing about it would almost choose it just for that reason– hope it’s a good one for you. Have a wonderful week ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Rita, I found this relatively new theme one day (I’m always browsing them on WP), and now have two blogs with it (this one and Snow Sparks).

      Yes, the Berliners were here a year ago, and it seems impossible that it’s been so long. I loved waking up to have coffee with them and planning exciting adventures. Staying up late eating popcorn and watching Netflix. And, of course, rearranging the furniture. After they left, I found an even better arrangement for my office/guestroom, which I am loving now.

      They live in Prague now…and we are trying to get them to come visit again…only I’m sure it won’t be during the summer months this time. My son hates the hot weather.

      I love anything by Scottoline, too, and I had enjoyed something by the author of Dear Carolina, so I downloaded it. I’m loving it…but I stopped reading for a bit so I could have All Is Not Forgotten read before its release date tomorrow! I had written the wrong date down.

      Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting.


    1. Oh, yes, that cricket startled me and kept me awake…I moved to the living room, where it joined me. But then I got it! Yay!

      But every night I wait to see if there will be another. So far so good!

      I am liking Dear Carolina….but stopped reading it for a bit so I could read my NetGalley book that’s being released tomorrow. I had written down the 22nd! All Is Not Forgotten is a book that keeps me turning pages, so it’s all good.

      It’s supposed to be in the 90s today and tomorrow, and then up to triple digits again. Sigh.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn, and have a great week.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I hadn’t read her books in a long while, and then I picked one in a new series for my First Book of the Year, and have been buying at least one a year ever since. Thanks for stopping by, Kathy, and have a great week.


  14. Emily Branson

    Unlike you I had a week without any alarms and it made me feel more tired than usual! Congrats on reaching 40 books in your challenge, it definitely sounds like the sort challenge I need to start – constantly buying books that just sit on my shelf! Hope you have a good week 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Kathy Martin

    My week rushed by too. Not that I was busy, I think there were 3 or 4 days when I didn’t even leave my house. You got and read some interesting books. I’ll be eager to read what you think of them. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Kathy, and it seems as though I was just doing this post a couple of days ago! It’s Monday, I blink and it’s Monday again…lol.

      Enjoy your week, and I’m glad you could stop by.


  16. My mother and I used to be OBSESSED with Mary Higgins Clark when I was younger, but I haven’t picked up one of her books since high school. Maybe it’s time to check out some of her newer stuff.

    Good work on your reading challenge. Sounds like something I need to join, considering that I buy books every week AND continue my weekly visits to the library as well. Seems a bit late to join now, but hopefully next time ^^

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Looks like you got some great books this week as well! I hate crickets with a vengeance! When there is just one in your house and you can’t find it and then it just keeps chirping while you are trying to sleep. Grr! Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, that is the horrible thing about crickets. Even just one. I couldn’t see it! Then it came out to the living room, and I saw it and got it! lol.

      Thanks for stopping by, Buffy…enjoy your week.


  18. Ha ha! Crickets are much more likable outside the house than inside! Here, it was the neighbor’s new dog keeping us awake. The furry beast doesn’t make its nights yet, but it’s getting there, fortunately 🙂

    Great books you’ve got there. I love the covers of the last two, perfect for summer. Have a great week, and I hope you enjoy all of your reading (and better sleep!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When I think back, I realize the last time a cricket got inside was in the 1990s, when living in a townhouse with my teens…and my daughter was shrieking. She had a black dust ruffle on her bed and the cricket hid there for a while. I detest any insects (or rodents) in the house, and you’d think they were regular visitors to hear me tell about them. LOL. I don’t like yapping neighborhood dogs, either.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kay, and I am looking forward to all of these books.


    1. Thanks, Maureen, I already finished my first book of the week, and it wasn’t on the list! The NetGalley book All Is Not Forgotten was released today…but I thought the date was 7/22. When I realized, I quickly read it, and then resumed Dear Carolina. Moving along.

      Enjoy your week!


    1. Yes, June was crazy for me, too, and I’m not sure why! I didn’t get as many books read as I would have liked…hopefully, July is off to a good start. Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting, Laura.


  19. Crickets when you’re trying to sleep!! Yes! Glad you were able to catch the little guy…I’m sure he didn’t want to be in your house any more than you wanted him there. And that margarita looks delicious! Hoping to enjoy one soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. The Cue Card

    Hi Laurel: I like how you’re keeping us on our toes with your blog changes & postings. The look of your blogs is always nice. My husband & I are enjoying the Netflix series Bloodline which I think you got me started on. Now I’m hooked! We’re just on Season 1 but already there is serious Sibling Angst. Ha. Danny is a bad seed for sure. but I guess the rest are too. Enjoy your week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, and I do love changing things up on the blogs. As for Bloodline, I definitely enjoyed it, and by the second season, didn’t like any of the characters that much…but I loved watching!


  21. Sounds like you had a busy and full week! It’s nice you had some cooler days in between the warm weather. we don’t have crickets here, so I’ve never woken from that. Only from mosquito’s. I hope you’ll enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. kristywharvey

    Thank you so much for including Dear Carolina!! I so hope you enjoy it. (Fingers crossed!) You’ve been so kind to me. I hope I can send you an advance copy of my new book when they’re ready in a few months! xoxox Kristy

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  23. Susan @ The Book Bag

    I just finished my first Scottoline book recently and I loved it. I found another must-read author! And Dear Carolina was another fav of mine and the author is so nice to work with. Flight Patterns was awesome as well and I am thinking about recommending it to my book club. I love your posts because we have such similar tastes in books and I get such good ideas for my TBR list. Happy reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Susan, I, too, love finding bloggers with similar tastes in books…and my stacks topple as a result. However, they don’t really, since most of my books are on Kindle…so off to the cloud they go! LOL

      Enjoy finding more lovely Scottoline books!


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