Tory Lake’s lovely Vermont home brings her much joy and serenity. And as a therapist, she doesn’t even have to leave her house; her home office, with a beautiful view, is the perfect place to see her clients.

But then something happens to destroy the peace and serenity in Tory’s world, and sends her life spinning out of control. A client’s crime and her subsequent threats against Tory’s son Jack lead to a tragic plunge into the lake.

Because the client is a Sheriff’s detective, Tory knew that reporting her wasn’t an option. Who would the authorities believe, Tory or one of their own?

When the car plunged into that lake, however, Tory had a strategy for escape. When she did manage to avoid notice after the plunge, she surreptitiously slipped away, changing her appearance and assuming another identity. She ends up in a small Oregon town on the opposite coast.

But dreams of betrayal and impending danger haunt Tory’s sleep, slowly converging upon a moment when she finally realizes what she must do. In the parallel world she dreams about, the great Maestro Puccini is fighting against dangers within his household. How will Puccini’s world and Tory’s converge and resonate at just the right time to save Tory and Jack?

And what does a glass butterfly paperweight symbolize in both Puccini’s and Tory’s worlds? How did a serendipitous community of acquaintances become just the support network she needs?

Throughout the pages of  The Glass Butterfly, I read with bated breath, feeling the lurking dangers, yet not knowing how or when they would present themselves. The characters seemed real and their issues were so palpable I felt as though they were part of my own life. I rooted for them all, even though, at times, I found the parallel universe of the Puccinis to be a distraction from the primary tale. In the end, however, I could see how the two worlds connected. Five stars.


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