Good morning!  Welcome to another Sunday Salon, our place to meet and talk books, blogging, etc.

In spite of triple digit heat and a week spent with my youngest grandson, I managed to get in some blogging and reading.

Over at Creative Journey, I posted my check-in for Row 80; at Snow Chronicles, I posted an excerpt from Interior Designs; and my Weekend Potpourri took us on a journey via photos, books, and movies.

Earlier in the week, I started watching a recording of the movie Gone with the Wind.

I read the book several times over the years, but haven’t yet managed to watch this four hour movie.

I watched about half of it, and plan to finish it today.

Yesterday I went to the theater to watch Hope Springs, with Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones.

Great movie!  Loved the awkward and funny moments that characterized the marriage for these two characters.  Both were absolutely at their best in their performances.  Nuanced and quiet moments showed the inside of a very ordinary marriage.

Books Read-Click Titles/Covers for Reviews:

Grace Grows, by Shelle Sumners

The Next Best Thing, by Jennifer Weiner

Where’d You Go, Bernadette, by Maria Semple

Safe Within (e-book), by Jean Reynolds Page


What a week!  Hot, busy, but somehow productive.

Today I was planning to read a book from next week’s stack, but then this download arrived on Sparky, and greedily, albeit unexpectedly, I had to start reading it.  And when I finish it, I will have completed my A-Z Challenge, with the last letter of “Y” fulfilling that list.

You Are the Love of My Life, by Susan Richards Shreve.

So far, we’re in the era of Watergate and a young mother who also writes children’s books has just returned to Washington, D. C., to the home where she lived when her father died.

What does your Sunday look like?  Come on by and chat.

14 thoughts on “TSS: A PRODUCTIVE WEEK — AUGUST 12

  1. I started watching a couple movies today, but I couldn’t get into either one. I just finished my latest book and am unsure what I want to read next. Happy Sunday!


    1. Thanks for stopping by, MJ. I have been watching little bits of a couple of movies, and then reading some from my newest book. That one is holding my attention more than the movies for now. Enjoy your day!


  2. I want to see Hope Springs – it’s actually one of the first in a while that I’ve wanted to see in the theater. I’ll just have to see if I have time. It’s harder to do in the summertime with the kids home. Too bad I didn’t think of it this weekend when they were busy. 🙂

    I hope you enjoyed Gone With the Wind! I saw it for the first time at a sleepover with my best friend in junior high and it was the perfect age for me to see it – I loved it at the time. As an adult sometimes I find it tedious when viewing it again though. I get a little fed up with Scarlett.


    1. I know what you mean about finding time when you have kids at home…hope you do manage it, though.

      Yes, GWTW is difficult to watch, since the film production back then was so stilted and not realistic. But I’m watching it a bit at a time. Thanks for stopping by, Alyce.


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