Welcome to the pre-holidays Sunday Salon, where we can gather around and share our thoughts about bookish things, blogging, and life.  Are you all looking forward to Thanksgiving this week?  I know that I am.

What is your favorite part?  The food, the friends and family, the football?

I am not even a football fan, but I love the “background noise” of the games playing on TV.

This past week, I’ve immersed myself in a couple of mystery books and a saga about family.  I’ve done some blogging, too. 

Here are some of my non-meme blog posts:






And now for the reading!

I read and reviewed these books-click titles for reviews:

1.  The Strangers on Montague Street, by Karen White (with author bio)

2.  The Sisters, by Nancy Jensen

3.  Armed:  An Alex Harris Mystery, by Elaine Macko


I scarcely got up from my reading, except to write blog posts, reread my WIP Interior Designs, and visit other blogs.

Last night, I finally started reading You Are My Only, by Beth Kephart…and I didn’t get far before falling asleep (and not because I wasn’t into it…I was tired!).  I’ll be reading it today!

I don’t even think I’ll go to the movies today…even though I do want to see J. Edgar.  What are you all up to today and this coming week?  Stop on by and chat…..

17 thoughts on “TSS: HOLIDAYS AHEAD! — NOV. 20

  1. Pingback: 11-20 CHECK-IN — ROW 80 « CREATIVE MOMENTS

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, I’m starting to gather up the books again, but preparing for eating is getting in the way. This year I’m flying South for Thanksgiving, so I’ll be cooking almost from the first step off the plane. I enjoyed your review of The Sisters, but can’t help but feeling disappointed. I was so looking forward to it and it just doesn’t sound like a well rounded story. Oh well. Have a great week!


    1. Oh, that’s how I felt about The Sisters, too, Suzanne. But maybe you’d like it?

      Everybody has different tastes, and some like their books leaving things unresolved.

      Hope you have a great holiday, and thanks for stopping by.


    1. Oh, I know, Janny An…I just never know where a blogger is living when I visit…lol

      Certainly Thanksgiving is primarily an American holiday.

      Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy the anticipation for Christmas.


  3. I love seeing my relatives (for the most part) but by the end of our time together I usually need a break because it can be so overwhelming to visit 30-40 people (at two separate parties) in one day. I’m already planning to take a walk with my husband mid-day just to get away from the craziness for a short time.


    1. Years ago, we had large events, but nowadays, it’s just one or more of my grown kids and their families…and then we do a bigger event a couple of days later.

      Thanks for stopping by, Alyce, and I think taking that mid-day walk is an excellent idea. Enjoy the holiday!


    1. I haven’t watched the parades in years! Or football….

      Usually we have rather quiet get-togethers with talking as the main event. I’ve enjoyed these celebrations a lot more than the ones from years ago.

      Thanks for stopping by, Shannon, and enjoy your week.


  4. Thanks for dropping by my blog yesterday! This Thanksgiving we’re going up to my sister-in-law’s house. We really don’t watch football on Thanksgiving Day, although, I always look forward to the day after Thanksgiving Caps game!

    I’d like to see J. Edgar, but before we go see that, I already promised my wife I’d take her to see Breaking Dawn. I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving with family!


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