Good morning, and welcome to The Sunday Salon, our virtual reading room in which we discuss books, blogging, and stuff.

The week has gone rather quickly, as usual, and I seemingly spent most of the week reading one book; I got easily distracted, etc.

Actually, I had blogging stuff to do, including this fabulous interview with Author Karen White, who wrote The House on Tradd Street, among others;  her book Falling Home will be re-released in November.  Check it out!

My usual blog stuff included the Book Blogger Hop and A Bit of Me (Me).

Reading themes dominated both of these events, probably in honor of the Read-A-Thon. I did not officially participate, but I did spend most of yesterday reading.

Friday, I took a little break from blogging when I picked up Noah at day care. We then went to one of his favorite places for a little respite.  (He loves Marie Callender’s because of the PIE!).

Some Activities Before Food!

So now….drum roll, please!  Reading Week!

Books Read:

1)  Chosen, by Chandra Hoffman (Click Title for Review)

2)  Evening, by Susan Minot (Click Title for Review)

3)  1185 Park Avenue, by Anne Roiphe (Click Title for Review)

Now I’m going to visit a few other blogs, have some coffee and maybe a mimosa, and then read some more!

15 thoughts on “THE SUNDAY SALON — OCT. 10

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mason…I enjoyed the books, but they were the kind where you had to “slog” your way through them; also the same for the memoir 1185 Park Avenue.

      I think I need to read something light, like a mystery! LOL


  1. Congrats on the reading you got done this week! I’m right there with Noah – Marie Callender’s pie rocks! Although if you can believe it I’ve only had it once (but it was divine). Years ago my sister had me babysit her four kids (at the time) for a while so she could go out and get pies. I got a piece of each kind of pie in exchange for the babysitting. 🙂 Not a bad deal I think.


    1. Yes, it does rock, Alyce…thanks for stopping by. I must say that what we ended up doing was taking a whole pie home, because it was cheaper than buying two individual slices (pie sale going on!).

      So now, without Noah to help me finish it (he only had one slice while he was here!), it’s staring at me whenever I open the fridge!


  2. My sister did that too (buying whole pies). Having a pie staring at you is a mixed bag – so wonderful yet so sinful. 🙂

    I also meant to say that I’m glad you’re feeling better! That was amazing about having walking pneumonia. I’m glad they were able to figure it out and do something about that.


    1. Oh, I couldn’t have been more stunned. Except for the wheezing, which I thought was my asthma, and being tired, I didn’t think I was sick. But then, I should have realized about the fatigue…I’m usually bouncing out of bed really early.

      I just got back from having a nice, relaxing lunch at the mall, and now I plan to read on the patio. I’m trying to avoid the pie!


  3. Pingback: SUNDAY POTPOURRI — OCT. 10 « Laurel-Rain Snow's Potpourri

    1. Thanks for stopping by, JoAnn…I did enjoy my relaxing Sunday and even sat on the patio for awhile.

      I’m glad I saw the movie Evening before I read the book; it helped me understand the events, which in the book were somewhat disjointed. Probably to mirror the dying woman’s thought patterns and feelings.


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