Can I tell you how much I am loving my new blog header here?  Yes, I go a little obsessive with redesigning them.  On the left is the loft in my 1980s townhouse (1988-1994), and the middle image…well, peace and happiness.  And most people know how much I rocked the VW bugs and vans in the 1970s.

These days, I have to dig into the past for images and moments…to help me cope with the events in our world.  Need I say more?

I had such a great Skype chat with my eldest son on Wednesday.  He and his wife live in Prague, but before that, they spent five years in Berlin.  He went to Prague the first time in 1997, and he met Gabi shortly afterwards.  He had been in London, Ireland, back to Sacramento…and then his European expat. days began. 

We chat for more than an hour each time…the difference in time keeps us from impulsively chatting, so we have to schedule these events.  He is the only one of my adult children with whom I can say anything at all.  We agree about almost everything!

Not that I don’t enjoy my other kids, but sometimes I have to scrounge around for common ground.  LOL

My daughter is the only one who lives in this area…a village on the outskirts of our city.  She has been providing weekly hairstyling to me, so we do have that in common.  And, of course, she is a bubbly person loved by everyone, with lots of friends.

Whereas I am a bit of a bookish introvert.  But when I connect with my eldest, I am a real chatter freak.  It’s funny how that happens.


This blog was created after I published my first novel, An Accidental Life.  Even the cover reflects the life I was living back then…in the foothills in an A-frame house.

On my website, Laurel-Rain Snow Creations, you can find links to my other creations.


How has your week unfolded?  Adventures, books, food?


Please leave your thoughts. Comments, not awards, feed my soul. Thanks!

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