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Good morning! Today’s post will link up to The Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post and Stacking the Shelves, for weekly updates.

**Mailbox Monday is hosted at the home site: Mailbox Monday.

And let’s join Kathryn, our new leader in It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?, at The Book Date.

What a week!  It was short, with the holiday and all, but I did read and review three books, so that worked out for me.

I also enjoyed spending Wednesday at the movies.  Don’t you love going mid-week?  I saw Secret in Their Eyes, with Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, etc.



Before the movies, I had a lovely cocktail and appetizers at Dai Bai Dang, near the theater.


geisha martini nov 25



Sunday Thoughts: Book Reorganization

Enter My Interior World: Musings

Read the Books You Buy Challenge

Serendipitous Moments: “Snow Angel Cove”

Let’s Spark Some Intrigue: Waiting On “After She’s Gone”

Returning to My Roots

Happy Thanksgiving!

Quotes from the Interior: “The Black Widow”

Pondering the Early Days: An Excerpt from “Interior Designs”

Review:  The Admissions (e-book), by Meg Mitchell Moore

Review:  Truth Be Told (e-book), by Hank Phillippi Ryan

Review:  Snow Angel Cove (e-book), by RaeAnne Thayne




Check out Karen, at Booker Talk: Books Are Not Weeds


INCOMING BOOKS: (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

No books in my mailbox this week.  I did download one book (purchased).

Forever, Interrupted (e-book), by Taylor Jenkins Reid





WHAT’S UP NEXT? (Covers/Titles Linked to Amazon)

All the Houses, by Karen Olsson (Vine)




All the Stars in the Heavens, by Adriana Trigiani (Vine)






Angels Burning (e-book), by Tawni O’Dell (NetGalley – 1/5/16 Release)





That was my week!  What did yours look like?  Tomorrow I’ll be having lunch with family at a neighborhood restaurant.  Then I hope to do a little Christmas decorating.  (Below) Here’s what I did last year…I’m thinking, less this year.  And my rooms have been rearranged.





  1. We never go to the movies these days. It is so expensive even though our theater has a couples night special on Tuesdays. I plan to do just a little decorating for Christmas this year. Just a few of my favorite things. Have a great week.


    1. Thanks, Emma, I do love how pretty the cocktails are…LOL. And it’s great just before the movies, as I don’t have to buy the popcorn when I get there!

      Enjoy your week, and I just started All the Houses. Hope to love it.


  2. I love going to the movies at off times, it’s so relaxing and no crowds. You can just kinda breeze in and half the time you have the place to yourself practically. Love the look of the restaurant by the way- I had to click and looks great. I’ll take the Thai Spicy Shrimp… LOL. Now I’m hungry for Asian.

    I see the new Reid book, after reading the one a couple weeks ago it caught my eye. Curious to see if you like it, I would read more by hers.


    1. Thanks, Greg, and the Thai Spicy Shrimp is one of my favorites…although that day, I had the shrimp and crab appetizer. I love the quiet of a Wednesday movie, too; I don’t enjoy the big crowds that come on the weekend.

      I have now read two books by Reid, and loved them both…so I am eager to read this new one, too.

      Glad you could stop by; enjoy your week!


    1. I have been slogging along with All the Houses, Cleopatra; I enjoy parts of it a lot, other sections, not so much. I keep going because of the parts I like. Hope to finish it today, as I just realized, after checking my Vine page that I’m overdo! The first time this has happened. LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by!


    1. Yes, Rachel, just looking at them makes me tired…those were last year’s decorations…LOL.

      I went out to check my bins and tried to find some energy to do this year’s, but came back inside. Later today, perhaps? Thanks for stopping by.


  3. Crazy week with the holiday, but I love my four day weekends 🙂

    I really want to see that Julia Roberts movie. It looks so good. The Adriana Trigiani book looks great too.

    Enjoy and have a great week!


  4. Wow! You go all out for Christmas! It’s nice though. I sometimes wish I did more for the holidays besides putting up a tree.

    I’m jealous you got to see Secret in Their Eyes! It looks soooo good. It reminded me of Eye for an Eye with Sally Fields. I’m going to have to run over and check out your review after posting this comment.

    Hope you have a wonderful week! 😀


    1. Yes, it does have a little of the mystery of Eye for an Eye….it definitely hooked me early on. Thanks for stopping by, Kristine.

      The decorations I shared are from last year’s Christmas…so far, I haven’t done anything for this year! I thought I might today, but instead I binge-watched on Netflix. LOL

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Secret in Their Eyes looks good Laurel – I’m not sure I’ve heard anything about it but did see Nicole Kidman on the campaign trail so wondered what movie she had coming out.

    Like the new look, or have you linked a different blog this week?


    1. Yes to both, Deborah…I linked to a different blog, but I also gave this one a face lift. Thanks!

      And I hope you enjoy Secret in Their Eyes, too. I started seeing previews for it on TV only a short time ago.

      Enjoy your week, and thanks for stopping by.


  6. I prefer going to the movies at less busy times – just wish it happened more often. We always see a movie over Thanksgiving weekend, but never got to it this year…too many family activities planned. My mother recently read All the Stars in Heaven and really liked it. Hope you do, too!


    1. Yes, this one will be my first of hers in a long while…I know there’s a movie out about her first book, Big Stone Gap, but it hasn’t come to my city.

      Thanks for stopping by, Jen, and have a great week.


  7. Teddyree

    I saw the advert for Secret in their Eyes when I went to The Dressmaker, almost didn’t recognise Julia Roberts with a fringe. I need to put up the tree and do a Christmas display but it’s just so hot I can’t seem to summon the enthusiasm lol
    Have a great week and enjoy your reads, the new Adriana Trigiani sounds good!


    1. Oh, yes, Julia really changed her appearance, and it was quite unattractive…but it’s obvious she did it for the role. She did the same thing in August: Osage County.

      Thanks for stopping by, Teddyree, and I had plans to get out the Christmas decorations today…but didn’t manage it!

      I am enjoying the Trigiani so far. Have a great week.


  8. We were hoping to get to the movies this weekend, but my back did not cooperate. We didn’t get any decorating done either. My husband did drag the tree up from the basement though. All The Stars and Angels Burning are both on my TBR list. Have a great week.


    1. Thanks, Nise, sometimes we just don’t get around to all the things we want to do! But there will be other weekends between now and the holidays, and so many movies coming at us. I never manage to get to them all!

      I am enjoying All the Stars…and can’t wait to read Angels Burning. This morning, I requested Missing Pieces, by Heather Gudenkauf, from NetGalley. I hope to get it!

      Enjoy your week, too.


  9. You were sure busy on the blog over the last week. Your red chairs are already going to fit in with Christmas. I should go to the movies for often. Saw Sheree talking about The Dressmaker so must make the effort. Saw Julia in some shorts on E channel and she certainly looks plain for the role. Love her though.


    1. Thanks, Kathryn, and The Dressmaker looks awesome! And yes, now that Julia wants to be more of a character actor, she will be making herself plain more often.

      I love red in my decor, and have a lot of it here and there…so I could just go with that for the holidays…but I’ll probably bring in a few things.


    1. Thanks, Cheryl, and I don’t get to the movies as often as I once did, but I like grabbing the new holiday releases…there are so many, and they all look so good. I agree about those books looking really fascinating.

      Enjoy your week!


    1. Yes, I first read Jenkins-Reid with Maybe in Another Life, and loved it; then I also enjoyed After I Do. So I am looking forward to Forever, Interrupted. Thanks for stopping by, Kathy, and have a great week.


    1. I saw a preview of the film on TV, so I wrote the title and date down. I also check on Fandango regularly.

      I have enjoyed two other books by Taylor Jenkins-Reid, so Forever, Interrupted looks like another one I’ll love. Thanks for stopping by, Jade, and enjoy your week.


  10. Secret in Their Eyes looks intriguing and the casting is stellar. We went to the movies to this weekend to see the last Hunger Games and it was fun to see things on the big screen, though it’s not something we do a lot these days! Have a good week!


    1. Thanks for visiting, Kay, and I don’t go to the movies as much as I once did….but I make an event of it when I do. Lunch, a cocktail, and the Big Screen…LOL.

      Glad you enjoyed the Hunger Games movies…I only saw the first one.


    1. Thanks, Mary, and I know what you mean. I’ve read two by the author and now can’t wait to pick up one of her books. The titles sound like the books will be fluffy and light, but there are issues beneath that fluffiness, and I’ve enjoyed them.

      Glad you could stop by, and enjoy your week.


    1. Thanks, Elizabeth, I so enjoy decorating and rearranging my stuff, most of which I bought at favorite consignment shops.

      I love going to the movies, but don’t go as often as I once did. With the holidays coming up, I’ll be trying to go more often, as so many great movies come out this time of year.


  11. Okay, I may have to join into the “Read the Books You Buy” Challenge for next year. I sign up for the TBR one, but that doesn’t always help with the books I had to buy. I bookmarked that site for sure! That drink looks yummy!! Thanks for visiting my Sunday Post earlier!


    1. Thanks, Buffy, I love the opportunity to whittle away at more of the books I’ve purchased. It will be a great way to make a dent in my e-books, especially.

      The drink was yummy…and I may have to go again this Wednesday!


  12. Hi Lorraine,

    ‘Secret In Their Eyes’ does sound rather good and has recieved some good ratings and reviews, definitely one to watch out for on DVD. We don’t often go to the cinema these days, much preferring to curl up on the sofa, in the comfort of our own home for our viewing.

    I like the new re-organised bookshelves, I wish I could be that disciplined. I have bookcases in literally every room of the place and most are stacked two and sometimes even three rows deep in books. Occasionally hubbie will ask if I couldn’t get rid of some of the books I have read, however that argument falls flat when I tell him that I haven’t read any of the books he sees on display and that I do pass books on just as soon as i have done with them. I think he has rather given up trying now!!

    Sounds as though you had a busy week, I am in awe of the numerous sites you seem to run and the fantastic amount of content you find time to publish. Thanks for sharing 🙂



    1. Thanks, Yvonne, and it is hard for non-bookish people to understand our need to have books all around us…LOL.

      I have purged a bit this year, but still have plenty of books.

      I enjoyed the movie, and most of the time I prefer to be curled up on my sofa to watch, too; but sometimes I get impatient…and I also like the big screen now and then.


  13. Red Iza

    I go to the movies sometimes with my eldest daughters on the sunday morning, it’s a lot less expensive and we like that mother/daughter escapade. I would love to read the Tawni O’Dell, unfortunately it’s not available for my country. Yet 😉


    1. I like Sunday movies, too…the matinees are the best, and what a lovely escapade for you and your daughter.

      Sorry about Angels Burning…maybe it will be available for you later. Thanks for stopping by, Izabel, and enjoy your week.

      Liked by 1 person

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