I found the book The Nesting Place on a blog, and also clicked on over to see the author’s site. I was immediately drawn in by the ideas she presents about home. Home can be imperfect, and home can be created “intentionally.”

The author shares about how she moved thirteen times in eighteen years, and what she learned at each home.  And how she finally decided to make each place she lived a “home,” and fully nest there.

She has lots of great ideas, which somehow coincide with my own, (funny that!), about how you can shuffle your stuff around to create a new look (I do this regularly!), and how you can see your home in a new light when you “quiet the room.”

That was new to me…and the author leads us through the experience, which involves stashing all the “extras” in the room off to a holding place and leaving them there while you study the room…and find a new way to look at it.  Seeing the possibilities.

Using things in different ways is another trick that I have found useful…yes, that cart is supposed to be for barbecuing, but it works wonderfully to hold the unread books while they wait for me to grab them.

Finally, I loved the idea of adding quirk to a home, since I tend to do that in my own. Here is the author’s description:

“I decided my home needed artistic quirk. It happened over time, but looking back, I see now that quirk was a turning point for me. Once I added quirk, I fell deeply in love with my home….Quirk is that last squeeze of lemon on the sautéed mushrooms, the zest of my home. Quirk brought me back to childhood, because I realized that the home I always dreamed of wasn’t one that was sophisticated and completely grown-up, perfectly put together and classified as French Country or English Cottage or (gasp!) Modern. The home I longed for was one in which I was completely free to do what I wanted no matter what others might think.”

Adding quirk allows us to display average items in un-average ways. We can display unexpected, disposable items in an expected way. We can display things that make us happy, even if they are a little odd.

I thoroughly enjoyed the author’s journey through her various abodes, and how she created home in them. Especially the later ones, after she had learned that home is where her people live. Recommended for all who enjoy interior design and how to find one’s own “home.” 5 stars.


    1. Yes, I was happy that she wasn’t like the one writer who wanted us all to “tidy up.” LOL

      I like how she suggests ways to reinvent your space and use what you have in new ways. And, of course, using quirky things. Thanks for stopping by, Bea.


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