Good morning!  Today’s post will link up to Sunday Salon, The Sunday Post,  and Book Journey, for  Weekly Updates.

**Mailbox Monday is now hosted at the home site:  Mailbox Monday.

Good morning, Bloggers!  Grab some coffee (or a mimosa), and let’s talk about our weeks.





And Happy Labor Day to those who celebrate it!  For those who are going on the road, have safe, happy trips!

I plan to spend the weekend reading and watching movies/DVDs/Netflix.  Here’s one on my list:  Fading Gigolo.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen Woody Allen in a movie that wasn’t directed and produced by him!







Sunday Potpourri:  Blissful Euphoria

Curl up with Books, Movies, & Our Routines

Out on a Limb with Intros/Teasers:  “An Italian Wife”

Tuesday Potpourri:  Contemplations

Creative Wednesday:  Waiting for “Ruth’s Journey”

My Bookish (And Not So Bookish) Thoughts:  An Unsettling Week

Thursday Potpourri:  Released!

From the Interior:  Book Beginnings/Friday 56 – “The Home Place”

Creative Saturday:  Back to School!

A Darkness Hovers Overhead:  An Excerpt from “Interior Designs”

Weekend Potpourri:  Going outside my Comfort Zone

Review:  Falling Into Place, by Amy Zhang

Review:  The Silent Sister, by Diane Chamberlain

Review:  The House on Mermaid Point (e-book), by Wendy Wax



INCOMING BOOKS:  (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)

One lone book arrived in my mailbox…BUT I downloaded FIVE e-books to feed Sparky!


A Wedding and a Killing, by Lauren Carr (From the Author)


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The Next Time You See Me (e-book), by Holly Goddard Jones






A Long Time Gone (e-book), by Karen White





In the Woods (e-book), by Tana French






The Murderer’s Daughters (e-book), by Randy Susan Meyers





Silver Bay (e-book), by JoJo Moyes







WHAT’S UP NEXT? (Titles/Covers Linked to Amazon)


An Italian Wife, by Ann Hood (Amazon Vine Review)







The Home Place, by Carrie La Seur (Amazon Vine Review)






This Is Where I Leave You (e-book), by Jonathan Tropper (Movie coming soon!)






The Good Girl (e-book), by Mary Kubica









And, like the book listed above, THIS IS WHERE I LEAVE YOU…but we will be connecting throughout the week.  Enjoy the holiday, if you are celebrating it!







  1. Nice post today. Some I’ve read and enjoyed, and some I want to read! The Murderer’s Daughters was very good and I liked In the Woods. I want to read This is Where I Leave You & the Good Girl.

    Enjoy all those books and your movies too (I personally don’t like Woody Allen–he’s kind of creepy to me due to his real life issues with Mia Farrow– but that’s just me). I know so many idolize his work and he is good at his job.
    Have a great rest of the weekend!


    1. I recall that you had mentioned The Murderer’s Daughters…and I have also pre-ordered Accidents of Marriage.

      I know that it’s difficult to “like” Woody because of the whole Mia thing…and I like her, too! I enjoyed them in movies together. I’ve also read a memoir of hers. But I still like his movies…LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by, Rita.


  2. Happy Labor day! Spending it watching movies sounds pretty good, we’re going to try and get some good watching in too! Looks like you have some good books picked out for the week ahead…


    1. I saw that book going around the blogosphere…and it seemed like just the other week, but, of course, it was years ago…and several books have come along since from this author. I think I’d better get started. Thanks for visiting, Stormi.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Katherine…I am excited about all of them, and I discovered This Is Where I Leave You on another blog…when they were talking about the upcoming movie. Of course I had to get it BEFORE the movie. Enjoy your weekend.


  3. In the Wood is one I want, if it is what I think it is ..murder mystery. I have it on my wishlist for audio. We are working on jobs around the house..wedding in T-minus 28 days but in-between I am reading The Witch with No Name


  4. I haven’t had a mimosa in a while! They are our traditional Christmas morning drink; it’s about the only time I have them.

    My mom has been telling me about Tana French; she and my sister have both been reading them. (They live in the same town, so they share books a lot.) I may give her a try one of these days. The cover of In the Woods looks great!

    Happy Labor Day weekend, and happy reading!


    1. I have been eyeing this series for a long while and finally broke down. I love a good crime series. Thanks for visiting, Lark, and mimosas have been a Sunday thing here, but not this week, for some reason…LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by!


    1. I have been meaning to read In the Woods since I first saw that creepy cover…and the years have flown by, with many more books from this author…LOL. How quickly time flies.

      Thanks for visiting, Harvee, and enjoy your week.


  5. I have a paperback of In the Woods sitting on my shelves for so long! I really need to make the time to read it as soon as I can. Tana French has been recommend to me so often, and now that I finally have a copy of one of her books, I end up skipping over it, eep! Enjoy your long weekend!


  6. Booketta

    I love that photo at the bottom of your post. We had a lovely sunny day today but it is quite autumnal over here. The weatherman has told us to expect an Indian summer, I hope he’s got his forecast right!


    1. I know…I had it bookmarked for a while and then got sidetracked…but then saw it again! Yay! So I downloaded it, because it was then available. So many times I see books that are not yet available and I don’t like to pre-order them all…budget crunch can happen with too many all at once.

      Thanks for visiting, Cheryl.


  7. Teddyree

    More books on my TBR stack & wish list … arghh there’s not enough hours in the day for all the wonderful reads. A Long Time Gone sounds good. Have a great week & happy reading!


  8. thebookdate

    Wasn’t The House on Mermaid Point great – loved the ending! I am looking forward to reading The Silent Sister, now that I have joined the Diane Chamberlain fan club.


    1. I felt like shouting at the ending…it was soooo glorious! I hope this doesn’t mean the end for the series, though…sigh. Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn…and I LOVED The Silent Sister…my favorite so far, which is going some, as I’ve loved all of her books.


  9. Kathy Martin

    Reading your list reminded me that I read my last Amazon Vine book and didn’t go to pick out more. I don’t think I like their new system. I liked getting emails from them once a month. Happy reading!


    1. Yes, sometimes I forget to go back…and my queue doesn’t seem to change, even after I review the books. I haven’t liked many of the ones on the list. Sigh….thanks for visiting, Kathy. Enjoy your week.


  10. Lots of books that you’ve mentioned I either want to read or just discovered, I read the murderer’s daughters a while back, but the rest look good! enjoy your new books!


  11. Great haul! I can’t believe I still haven’t read Into the Woods, it’s been sitting on my shelves for years!!
    I hope you have a great time with all of these! 🙂


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