Welcome to some bookish (and serendipitous) fun today as we share Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader; and as we showcase The Friday 56 with Freda’s Voice.

To join in, just grab a book and share the opening lines…along with any thoughts you wish to give us; then turn to page 56 and excerpt anything on the page.

Then give us the title of the book, so others can add it to their lists!

If you have been wanting to participate, but haven’t yet tried, now is the time!


Today I’ve grabbed a book from next week’s stack.  The Empty Glass, by J.I. Baker takes another look at the fascinating life (and death) of Marilyn Monroe.


Beginning:  After awhile, everything started to blur.

I felt that I’d spent hours, days, lying on the floor of this hotel room with my face against the wood and my eyes open wide as the air came through the vent near my head.  The whoosh was all I heard—then the door closing, the keys in the lock, the footsteps on the floor stopping as I turned to see the patent leather shoes before my eyes, the stub of a cigarette dropped between them, burning.


P. 56:  The guard looks briefly up at me but doesn’t say a thing.  He leaves the room and locks the door.


So…what do you think?  I am not sure what’s going on in these scenes, but I’m eager to find out.

Blurb:  In the early-morning hours of August 5, 1962, Los Angeles County deputy coroner Ben Fitzgerald arrives at the home of the world’s most famous movie star, now lying dead in her bedroom, naked and still clutching a telephone.  There he discovers The Book of Secrets – Marilyn Monroe’s diary – revealing a doomed love affair with a man she refers to only as “The General.”  In the following days, Ben unravels a wide-ranging cover-up and some heartbreaking truths about the fragile, luminous woman behind the celebrity.  Soon the sinister and surreal accounts in The Book of Secrets bleed into Ben’s own life, and he finds himself, like Monroe, trapped in a deepening paranoid conspiracy.  The Empty Glass is an unforgettable combination of the riveting facts and legendary theories that have dogged Monroe, the Kennedy’s, the Mafia, and even the CIA for decades.  It is an exciting debut from a remarkable new thriller writer.


Now I’m off to check out your excerpts!


  1. Oh, I would like to read this one. I have always been fascinated by Marilyn and others issues, especially on low self esteem, wrong thinking, etc. when they appear to be so insecure on the inside and yet so outwardly beautiful! Look forward to your review.


  2. Brona

    I’ve read so many books about the Kennedys over the years, but haven’t really embraced the whole Marilyn phenomenon. This sounds like it could be a good one to get me started!


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