Welcome to another Sunday Salon where we gather ’round to read about our reading, blogging, and life moments.

I can’t believe it is raining in June…again!  But it’s great for curling up to read.  Plus, I’ve made quite a bit of progress on my rewrites.

Here’s a blog post on Snow Chronicles with an update.

And that was Friday…today, I worked for another two hours and have logged on six hours of rewrites since Wednesday.

Here are some other blog posts:

May Monthly Reading Wrap-Up

Monday Morning Sparks

Weekend Potpourri

And…just now live, Beth Hoffman (Saving CeeCee Honeycutt) has featured me on her Brava spot.

My Reading Week – (Click Titles for Reviews)

1.  A Pug’s Tale, by Alison Pace

2.  Mini Shopaholic, by Sophie Kinsella

3.  The Bird Sisters (e-book), by Rebecca Rasmussen

4. Getting the Pretty Back, by Molly Ringwald


What will I be reading today?  I have a short stack planned for the upcoming week, and Disturbing the Peace, by Richard Yates is calling out to me.

To all appearances, John Wilder has all the trappings of success, circa 1960: a promising career in advertising, a loving family, a beautiful apartment, even a country home. John’s evenings are spent with associates at quiet Manhattan lounges and his weekends with friends at glittering cocktail parties. But something deep within this seemingly perfect life has long since gone wrong. Something has disturbed John’s fragile peace, and he can no longer find solace in fleeting affairs or alcohol. The anger, the drinking, and the recklessness are building to a crescendo—and they’re about to take down John’s career and his family. What happens next will send John on a long, strange journey—at once tragic and inevitable.


No matter what the weather, I plan to make this weekend count!  Reading, some more writing, and just enjoying…what about the rest of you?

22 thoughts on “THE SUNDAY SALON — A RAINY DAY — JUNE 5

  1. Never read John Yates, but have heard of him — and thought about it. Will add to my TBR, which yes, I do have, despite working at a library and pulling books off the shelves that catch my attention.


  2. So that’s where our rain has gone! We’ve not had rain in two months. Definitely not normal for the Gulf Coast.

    At the bidding of my younger son, I attempted this week to write about something other than books on my Sunday Salon. Here’s my post. I hope you will stop by and share with my son the purpose of TSS.


    1. I’ve read three of his now…well, counting this one, of course: Revolutionary Road, The Easter Parade, and now Disturbing the Peace.

      So far, I’ve really enjoyed them, although “enjoy” is probably not the right word, since they’re kind of dark. Thanks for stopping by, Aths.


    1. I’ve been a big fan of Yates since Revolutionary Road. Hope you enjoy him, too. Thanks for stopping by!

      And I’m actually glad not to have the extreme heat that we usually have at this time of the year.


  3. I’ve heard so much about the Bird Sisters book, I really want to read it!

    And you’re lucky that its raining in June! We’re in sort of a state of drought here. I just hope your weather isn’t severe!


  4. I hope you enjoy Bird Sisters! I’ve been hearing so many good things about it that it’s hard to ignore.

    And the Yates. I haven’t read anything by him but do have Revolutionary Road on the shelf. One day… 😉

    Have a wonderful week!


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