Good morning, and welcome to The Sunday Salon, where we celebrate our reading, blogging, and life.

I’m feeling a bit out of it, since I was reading rather late last night.  But I couldn’t put down the exciting book that I finally finished.  When I slept, I dreamed about it.  Has that ever happened to you?

Yesterday, I took advantage of the wonderful weather and walked around the mall a bit before settling in for lunch, followed by this movie:

Wow, was it ever action-packed, and my adrenaline was pumping.  I don’t usually go to action flicks, but this one starred Cate Blanchett, along with the intriguing actor from The Lovely Bones, Saoirse Ronan.  Eric Bana also played in this one.

So…yes, I do recommend it, but be prepared for lots of heart-stopping moments.

Now for this past week…

Some Blog Posts:

My Interview at Gatekeepers

Saturday Snapshot – Moments

A Bit of Me (Me) – Artistry

Booking Through Thursday – Know Me Through My Books

Now for the reading week.  What an exciting week it was, too.  I began the week thinking that I had too many “downers” on my list, but I was pleasantly surprised.  There was enough variety to keep me revved up and forging ahead.

Books Read and Reviewed: Click Titles for Reviews:

1.  Magical Thinking, by Augusten Burroughs (true story collection)

2.  Waiting for Spring, by R. J. Keller (Amazon Vine)

3.   Down Came the Rain, by Brooke Shields (memoir)

4.    Every Secret Thing (e-book), by Laura Lippman

So now…what’s next?  Well, I still have one more book on last week’s list that I hope to read some today (Manic, by Terri Cheney).

This one is one woman’s journey through bipolar disorder.  Yikes!  See what I mean about my themes this week?

Luckily, the surprising humor in Augusten Burroughs’ book, plus the exciting mystery from Laura Lippman, kept me going.

Later today, maybe I’ll take a walk, since the weather is so lovely.

What are you doing today?  What was your week like?  Hope you’ll stop by and share….

22 thoughts on “THE SUNDAY SALON — APRIL 17

  1. It’s interesting how reading occasionally takes on unexpected themes! Sounds like an interesting one to explore and I’m interested to check out Manic – it’s interesting to hear about mental illness from the inside, we can sometimes spend too long looking at it from the outside and forget there is a real person experiencing it.


    1. I agree, Kath….since my “first career” of three decades was in social work, and I regularly dealt with addictions and mental illness (with my clients!), I am still amazed that I find this kind of reading enjoyable.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. I’ve actually seen that Manic book on the shelf at our library and been intrigued by it. I’ll be interested to hear what you thought of it. I might be a bit manic, though, to ever pick it up. 🙂

    Hmmmm. Hadn’t heard of that movie, but now I’ll have to go see what the fuss is about.


    1. I was surprised by the movie…I knew there would be action, but didn’t expect to be sitting on the edge of my seat.

      As for Manic, I have had it on my TBRs for awhile, so I’ll be glad to finally read it.

      Thanks for stopping by, Unfinished Person.


  3. Sounds like the Lippman one was worth staying up for!

    I love the cover of ‘Waiting For Spring’and Augusten Burrough’s apartment sounds like my son’s bedroom (without the Italian Vogue magazines though!)


    1. I had to laugh about Burroughs’ descriptions of his place.

      Waiting for Spring was pretty good, except for that repetitive part.

      I’ve always enjoyed Lippman’s books and I’m looking forward to reading more.

      Thanks for stopping by, Clare.


  4. I’ve been hearing a lot about Lippman lately–seems I need to check her out! And how did I miss the Hanna movie? Haven’t even heard of it but really like all the actors you listed.

    In terms of dreaming of reading–when I was in grad school I’d sometimes fall asleep while reading and dream I was still reading the book–also did this with writing papers. I wrote some amazing papers in my sleep–too bad I couldn’t remember them when I woke! 😉


    1. Ha-Ha…the review I was “writing” in my sleep was SO much more brilliant than the one I actually did the next morning…

      Alas, that’s the dream life.

      I stumbled on the Hanna movie on my Fandango page…but I had heard about it during Oscars.

      Thanks for stopping by, Trish.


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