Good morning, blogging world!  Welcome to The Sunday Salon, our great big reading room where we touch base occasionally to share tidbits about our blogging and reading lives.

My back flared up on Thursday, so the past couple of days have been shrouded in pain, pain pills, ice packs, and then heating pads.

I did manage to read quite a bit, which you can do in some surprising positions.  I could also blog, as long as nothing took longer than 30 min. or so.

Here are some of my blog posts this week:

Accidental Choices:  Reading, etc.

Spreading Their Wings

A Journey Into the Depths

Weekend Potpourri

I Scream for Ice Cream

Row 80 Update-1-30


So those are my blogging adventures.  Now let’s talk books.

Books Read & Reviewed-Click on Title for Reviews:

1.  Child of Silence, by Abigail Padgett (TBR Stacks!)

2.  My Mother’s Daughter, by Rona Maynard (TBR Stacks!)

3.  The Girl in the Green Raincoat, by Laura Lippman (e-book)


4.  I Remember Nothing, by Nora Ephron


Now, drum roll, please! Here’s my statistical wrap-up for January…I know, a day early, but I don’t expect to finish any more books today or tomorrow…I’m taking some time off!

Books Read in January 2011

Total Books –   15

Total Pages –   4,073

Genres:  3 Romance, 5 Mysteries, 4 Memoirs, 1 Lit. Fiction, and 2 Contemporary Fiction


This is my first wrap-up post, made possible because of the way I’ve arranged my books read, reviewed, and challenges.  Hope to visit your Sunday Salons…feel free to stop by here!


24 thoughts on “THE SUNDAY SALON — JAN. 30

  1. I do hope your back is better. It sounds like you were in quite a bit of pain. I should do monthly round ups. I am at least keeping a running list and will have read 31 books in January (which was more then I had planned). Happy Sunday and I do so hope your back is improved.


  2. That’s the only good thing about being laid up with a bad back – you can at least get a lot of reading done.

    I loved I Remember Nothing – listened to the audio book read by the author, and it was great.

    Hope you feel better soon!


    1. Thanks, Ash…I can report that it’s better today. I can tell because I haven’t had a pain pill since 7 p.m. last night. I’m trying to avoid them as much as possible so I can assess how things are progressing. Today I hope to take a short walk!

      Yes, I couldn’t believe I read that many books, either. Of course, Ash, some people read twice that in a month! LOL

      Thanks for stopping by.


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