sunday-salon-2OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWelcome to our second Sunday Salon of the New Year.

In light of the plans (or resolutions) that I have made, I have been turning away review books that didn’t spark my enthusiasm.

I don’t know how long I’ll manage to stay the course, but I do hope that, at the very least, I’ll keep my reading manageable.

I made some changes on some of my blog sites this week….over at Creative Journey, I am sporting a new theme, with a new look.

Curl up and Read has an even more drastic new look.  I tried to retain some of what I loved about the old look, like the three columns.  There aren’t that many three-column themes available, and some don’t work for me.  But check it out!

In the past week, I’ve been spending time with family, including my youngest grandson, who turned ten last weekend, and one of my granddaughters.

What else is happening on the blogs?

As something that says New Year to me, I did a post about Recharging My Batteries:  Or What Gets My Juices Flowing.

Then I hopped over to Snow Sparks, for another post about “recharging”:  Friday Sparks:  What Ignites Your Day?

My Saturday Sample excerpted from Interior Designs, with Unexpected Connections.

Just now, I posted Creative Updates:  Easing Into It.

Read and Reviewed-Click Titles/Covers for Reviews:

1.  A Thousand Pardons, by Jonathan Dee


2.  Elly in Bloom (e-book), by Colleen Oakes


3.  Don’t Let Me Die in a Motel 6, by Amy Wolf



And those completed my reading list for the week.  However, I started a fourth book, which I should finish today.

4.  I.O.U. Sex (e-b00k), by Sandra Nachlinger and Sandra Allen


So far, I’m loving it!  I would have finished it yesterday, but my granddaughter had a sleepover beginning on Friday, and we immersed ourselves in a movie marathon.

Today I plan to read, watch more movies (my guilty pleasure!), and maybe take a nap.  What about the rest of you?

14 thoughts on “TSS: OFF TO A GREAT START — JAN. 13

  1. Music gets me recharged too…speaking of which, I need to go listen to some.

    As for what I’m doing today, reading definitely, watching movies (The Fantastic Mr. Fox, among them) and a nap sounds good too. What movie(s) are you planning on watching?


    1. Yesterday, my granddaughter and I watched The Kids Are All Right, Larry Crowne, and Before and After.

      Today I’m watching from my DVR: an oldie called I’m Losing You and a Lifetime Movie called In the Dark.

      Yes, schmaltzy (the Lifetime flick).

      Thanks for visiting, Bryan, and enjoy your day.


  2. I love your changes! I am amazed at the way you blog all over! My grandsons came to visit last night while their parents went to a holiday party. We had such a good time!! Happy Reading!!


    1. Thanks, Lori…and I know I have too many blogs (lol), but so far, I’m enjoying them. The numbers have gone up and then down again. And I love making changes.

      I hope you enjoy your grandsons…I am amazed at how much easier grandchildren are than raising one’s kids! Probably because we can spoil them and send them home.


  3. Talk about a wonderful beginning to the year! Today I’m just looking to relax, and hopefully get in a bit of reading. Have a work trip mid-week, so I should start getting ready to get things together for that. Hope you have a great week!


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