
Welcome to our special Thursday event:  Booking Through Thursday, the place to go when you want to talk books.

Today’s Prompt:

Any reading resolutions for the new year? Reading more? (Reading less?) Reading better books? Bigger books? More series? More relaxing books?

And hey, feel free to talk about any other resolutions you might have, too … or why you choose NOT to have any.


Speaking of reading plans, my New Year’s Resolutions this year are simple.

  I want more balance in my life, along with peace and harmony.

Vowing to make healthy choices tops the list, too.

Learning to say “no” to review books that don’t appeal to me.  I’ve been working on this one for awhile.  I hope to get better at it this year!

I want to read more books from my own stacks and pick books that I initially bought or accepted because I think I’ll enjoy them.


My challenges for this year mesh nicely with these resolutions.  Like the Mt. TBR 2013.  In previous years, I’ve joined challenges like this one and whittled down those stacks.

Then there’s the Sequels Challenge, which will allow me to focus on the series books that I haven’t finished.

Some of the books I really enjoy are the Cozies, so Cruisin’ Through the Cozies was another choice for me.

Finally….the Women’s Murder Club Challenge will help me grab those James Patterson books that I enjoy.

I love a nice mix of books.  So between these challenges, and saying “no” to review books that don’t absolutely entice me should make for a great reading year.

What about you?  What will your 2013 look like?


  1. swright9

    Yeah those sound like good resolutions. I’d like to get more from the library and buy less new books … but that could be easier said than done! cheers.


    1. Oh, I know, Susan…I woke up in the middle of the night, worried about all the books I’d preordered. I went online and cancelled a couple! I need to finish the ones I already have! lol

      Thanks for stopping by…..Good luck with your goals.


  2. Great resolutions. I need to do the same with requests, too. I definitely want to read more books I know i’ll enjoy overall this year. I can’t say I read many bad ones, but I read okay books for review instead of books I own that I’ve been dying to read. I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t say NO!
    Thanks for stopping by. Happy New Year and good luck with your resolutions!


  3. I hear you about the preordered books, I have a few ordered, but am trying to read my own books that have been stacking up on my bookshelves for a few years now. I hope you reach your goals this year, I sure am going to try to reach mine. Thanks for stopping by today.


    1. I am happy to see that others are thinking the same things about deadlines and reading books we don’t necessarily want to read. I would love to diminish those stacks…and also start using the library more. Thanks for visiting, Gigi Ann, and good luck with your goals.


  4. Thank you for visiting my blog earlier today 🙂 I’m impressed by your list of reading commitments this year. I’m not sure I could read to order, my tastes are too eclectic and I’m too stubborn in that I will only read something if it appeals to me rather than because someone is expecting a review of it *shudder*. Good luck with your resolutions this year 🙂


    1. I try to balance the review books with ones I’ve chosen, but I’m going to be cutting down on review books. But even the books I’ve chosen will be reviewed. The difference, of course, is that there is not a deadline on those. Thanks for visiting, Sterling…and enjoy your year.


    1. I think they will for me, Yvonne; of course, I’ll be adding more cozies, but some of these I can get for my Kindle. I know…still TBRs, but they don’t show up as “stacks” in my rooms! Thanks for visiting.


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