Good morning, and welcome to another Sunday Salon!  I wasn’t planning on posting this morning, but then I woke up, felt the cool breeze coming through the window I threw open, and felt…well, invigorated.

My coffee is brewing nearby, reminding me of another reason I love mornings.

My week was pretty eventful, with bookish/blogging things, like this post on Chocolate & Mimosas:  A Blast from the Past:  Another Guilty Pleasure.

Thursday Potpourri:  A Wish That Came True was about an unexpected delivery to Sparky.

After more edits on my WIP Interior Designs, I shared some thoughts at Creative Journey:  Writing:  Different Pathways to the Finish Line.

My Weekend Potpourri:  Love Letters — The Lost Art, took me back to an old favorite from the 1980s.


My reading included a couple of mysteries, a sister’s tale from Mt. TBR, and a hoarding tale from the teen perspective.

Read/Reviewed:  Click titles for reviews:

A Tale of Two Sisters, by Anna Maxted

Shades of Murder, by Lauren Carr

Gone to Ground, by Brandilyn Collins

Dirty Little Secrets (e-book), by C. J. Omololu


This afternoon, I’m looking forward to another family get-together with grown kids and six grandkids.  Here’s a photo of the six kids at our last get-together.  I think the photos from today’s event will show a lot of extra height, as I’ve been hearing about astounding growth spurts…lol


What are your plans today?  Enjoying a good book, a movie, or something with friends/family?


  1. We went to see Forever Plaid done by Hamilton-Gibson in Wellsboro, PA. It is about a quartet that is killed by a bus of Catholic school students on their way to see the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. They come back for one night to perform. They do a wonderful take-off of the Sullivan Show in a minute and a half. Great old music and good harmony. If you get a chance to see this show, please do.\

    We then went out to dinner and shopping at Weis. They let you take electric carts to the car which is wonderful when you have soneone on oxygen and your leg is in pain from having no cartlidge in knee.


  2. I love those times when I wake up feeling invigorated. It’s really such a rarity for me. 🙂 I hope the rest of your day was great! I read a little bit more of The Chaperone today. It was one of those family Sundays with lots of chatting and very little reading, but it was fun.


    1. I did have a great day. We had our family get-together, which was a lot of fun. Pictures were a hilarious cap to the day, as none of the teens wanted to do anything but act silly. Making faces, doing contortions, etc. But I guess these images will reflect their moods on that day!

      Thanks for stopping by, Alyce, and enjoy your week.


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