Welcome to another Sunday Salon, our cozy reading room where we gather around with our coffee, tea, or other favorite beverage.

Mimosas, anyone?

I love reflecting about the week on a Sunday morning.  Especially if the day gets started in a lazy kind of way, like I love to do sometimes.

Today I’m taking my time, puttering around online at various sites and gathering my thoughts.

Yesterday was a mixed bag of chores, errands, and rewards; find out more:   It’s Mimosa Time:  A Saturday Treat.

After I finished my early Saturday stuff, I went to Mimi’s for a nice lunch.  I guess I couldn’t stop treating myself after the flurry of chores!

It was a little windy, so I ate indoors, but I do adore the outside cafe.

The wind got me, I guess, since later I had one of those sinus headaches.  Between sweeping up the leaves on the patio and walking out in the windy sunshine…I fought it off the rest of the day.

But I still finished the book I was reading.

Here’s what the reading week looked like-click titles for reviews:

1.  Started Early, Took My Dog, by Kate Atkinson

2.  Rogue, by Danielle Steel

3.  Whole Latte Life, by Joanne DeMaio (Review will be up 4/4/12 at Rainy Days and Mondays – blog tour).


I planned to finish the fourth book on my list, but alas, let’s blame it on the wind.  I had too much of a headache to keep reading.

Today, though, I will begin and see how it goes.

Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, by Stacy Juba, is the story of an obit writer and an editorial assistant who dig into an intriguing cold case.  A unique blend of literary mystery, cozy mystery, and romantic suspense.

This one sounds like the perfect read for me today.  Later, I’ve set my DVR for the Academy Awards.  Maybe I’ll even watch it!

What are you reading, writing, blogging about?  Come on by…virtual coffee and mimosas are here!

20 thoughts on “TSS: STUFF & TIDBITS ON SUNDAY — FEB. 26

  1. I’d like to second your thoughts on the wind. We’ve had some really big winds here in northern Virginia for the last couple of days. I actually had to go outside and make sure our grill and patio furniture was well secured to our deck and covered so nothing would blow away!

    This week, I managed to finish two shorter books, and started Bleak House by Charles Dickens. I also did a couple of things to get ready for the baby’s arrival. I hope you have a great Sunday and week ahead!


    1. It would be a good spot for book club, don’t you think? It’s just around the corner from where I live and one of my favorite places. It’s crowded, but waiting isn’t bad if you bring a book, or have people to chat with. Thanks for stopping by, Sheila, and enjoy your Sunday.


  2. I hope that your headache has gone away! I love going out to cafes, and the one above looks lovely. I’m trying to tell myself that I’m not catching my son’s cold (as if denial is somehow going to help). 🙂


    1. I hadn’t read Steel for years…and then I picked up a couple of her titles at Borders a few years ago. That’s how long they’ve been on my stacks!

      Thanks for stopping by, Ivana, and enjoy your week.


  3. MMMM Latte… yep that cover looked mighty tempting! I’ve been reading the second Hunger Games books, Eating Animals by Jonathon Safran Foer and Wild Swans by Jung Chang. Two ebooks and one real book 🙂


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