Today I’m pleased to share that Lisa, at Books in the Burbs, has given me the Liebster Blog Award.

Here’s the info on this award:

1.  Rumor has it that someone in Germany, possibly someone named Liebster, created an award for new bloggers to show appreciation and thanks for their blog.

3.  Liebster means “beloved” in German and Spanish.

2.  You can only receive the award from another blogger, who has also received the award. 

3.  Awards are to be passed forward to other bloggers, 3-5 blog sites, with followers of 300 or less.

4.  Once you give the award to a fellow blogger, you are to contact the blogger and let them know.

5.  Copy and paste the award on your blog.

Here are some lovely things Lisa said about me!

I first started reading Laurel’s blog when I joined The Sunday Salon.  While I have never met her, she just has this laid-back personality on her blog.  When I read her posts, I feel that it is she and I sipping coffee as she tells me about her day. She also has the same taste in books that I do!

Thank you, Lisa, for honoring me with this award, and for sharing such lovely thoughts.


I would like to award the Liebster to the following blogs:

1.  Gigi Ann, at Ann’s Reading Corner

Gigi Ann is a cozy blogger, whose books are the kind I enjoy and whose posts are fun to read.  She participates in many of the same memes as I do, like the Monday Memes.

2.  Beth, at Bookaholic Mom

Beth is another blogger I meet at regular memes, like Monday Memes, Teaser Tuesdays, etc., and I always enjoy seeing what she’s reading.

3.  Dizzy C’s Little Book Blog

Carol’s blog is fun, cozy, and a great place to hang out and see what she’s reading and posting.  Check her out!  She has a snazzy new blog design.


Thanks again to Lisa, and to the other bloggers in our community who make it fun to connect on the web.


  1. Thank you for thinking about me and saying such nice things about my blog and I. I will accept it and post it soon, but I do tend to break the rules when it comes to choosing who to give it to.


  2. Thank you, Laurel-Rain,

    It means a lot to be recognised by fellow bloggers especially when it is someone like yourself, who I always enjoy following.

    I see I am in good company 🙂



  3. Thank you Laurel! I am so honored that you recognized me and my blog. I always enjoy reading your blog posts and seeing what you are reading also. Lisa is right about you and your blog posts. It seems like we are sitting down, sipping coffee and chatting about books! Thank you for the award and congrats on receiving it yourself!


    1. You’re so welcome, Beth…I’m glad you feel comfortable visiting my blog. I do enjoy connecting and like the idea of sipping our coffee and chatting. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.


Please leave your thoughts. Comments, not awards, feed my soul. Thanks!

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