Welcome to another Bookish Friday, in which I  share excerpts from books…and connect with other bloggers, who do the same.

Let’s begin the celebration by sharing Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader; and let’s showcase The Friday 56 with Freda’s Voice.

To join in, just grab a book and share the opening lines…along with any thoughts you wish to give us; then turn to page 56 and excerpt anything on the page.

Then give us the title of the book, so others can add it to their lists!

What a great way to spend a Friday!

Today’s feature is a recent download from an author I enjoy.  Into the Water, by Paula Hawkins, is an addictive new novel of psychological suspense. 




“Again!  Again!”

The men bind her again.  Different this time:  left thumb to right toe, right thumb to left.  The rope around her waist.  This time, they carry her into the water.


56:  She put the spoon down and took a couple of steps towards me, her hands on her hips, her expression all concerned, like a teacher who’s about to tell you how disappointed they are with your attitude in class.

“What do you mean?” she asked.  “What’s my fault?”


Synopsis:  A single mother turns up dead at the bottom of the river that runs through town. Earlier in the summer, a vulnerable teenage girl met the same fate. They are not the first women lost to these dark waters, but their deaths disturb the river and its history, dredging up secrets long submerged.
Left behind is a lonely fifteen-year-old girl. Parentless and friendless, she now finds herself in the care of her mother’s sister, a fearful stranger who has been dragged back to the place she deliberately ran from—a place to which she vowed she’d never return.
With the same propulsive writing and acute understanding of human instincts that captivated millions of readers around the world in her explosive debut thriller, The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins delivers an urgent, twisting, deeply satisfying read that hinges on the deceptiveness of emotion and memory, as well as the devastating ways that the past can reach a long arm into the present.
Beware a calm surface—you never know what lies beneath.


I’m very excited to finally have this book.  What do you think?  Do you want to read more?



    1. Thanks, Bev, and I have never figured out why some books are declined, while others appear so easily. But…I guess it’s good that we get most of the ones we request. Enjoy Behind Her Eyes…I was stunned by the ending.


      1. True…you have to go into things with an open mind. Plus a second book like this will have people having high expectations, which you can’t always meet.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha….but just for the record, that label “next Gone Girl or next Girl on the Train” is doing a disservice to some books. I have read a few of those compared to the above-mentioned books…and they were not at all similar. Just sayin’.

      However, not everyone loves every book out there. I’m not into fantasy or YA books (just occasionally).

      Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn, and enjoy your pick.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I like that aspect of reading suspense thrillers….the hours fly by and the day is gone. Now if I could only figure out a way not to need much sleep….LOL. Thanks for stopping by, Laura.


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