bookish thursdays

Welcome to Thursday, a day that once seemed lost, with nothing exciting happening anywhere.  But then that changed, and today I am celebrating some of the bookish events around the blogosphere, like Lexxie’s Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts; Kimberlyfaye’s TBR Thursday; and Christine’s Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts.





Today’s featured “foodie” quote comes from Flight Patterns, by Karen White. 



cover resized



Estranged sisters Maisy and Georgia have reunited after ten years because Georgia is searching for a china pattern for a client.  A pattern that might be one that their grandmother collected.  Despite the tension, the sisters and the client are enjoying some meals together.  Today, Maisy’s daughter Becky has joined Georgia and her client James at Aunt Marlene’s house. (Set in Florida, but Georgia lives in New Orleans).


Georgia (narrator):  My stomach growled as I spied the food on their plates and smelled the bacon, forgetting my next question involving why James and Becky were sitting at Marlene’s table.

James stood and pulled out a chair for me.  “Why don’t you eat first?  Becky brought these biscuits.  Maisy made them.  They’re pretty good.”

“Are they as good as mine?”  I’d meant it as a joke, but I realized it hadn’t sounded like one.

I slid into the offered chair as Marlene placed a full plate in front of me, along with a steaming cup of coffee.  “I enjoy having all my limbs attached, so give me a moment to answer that.”  James sat down.  “I think both are equally delicious and different.”

“Good one,” Becky said, offering her clenched hand for a fist bump.


I’ve noticed that I find mostly breakfast foods for these excerpts.  Biscuits are especially delightful, as they seem to be a major part of Southern meals.  I would like some now, please!





My TBR book today is Eleanor and Park, by Rainbow Rowell, a book that has been languishing on Pippa since December 2014.





Synopsis:   Bono met his wife in high school, Park says.
So did Jerry Lee Lewis, Eleanor answers.
I’m not kidding, he says.
You should be, she says, we’re 16.
What about Romeo and Juliet?
Shallow, confused, then dead.
I love you, Park says.
Wherefore art thou, Eleanor answers.
I’m not kidding, he says.
You should be.

Set over the course of one school year in 1986, this is the story of two star-crossed misfits-smart enough to know that first love almost never lasts, but brave and desperate enough to try. When Eleanor meets Park, you’ll remember your own first love-and just how hard it pulled you under.


I’ve enjoyed Fangirl, Landline, and Attachments from this author…so I’m not quite sure why I haven’t read this one yet.  Perhaps I have to be in the mood to read about teenage misfits.  What do you think?  Have you read it?






  • Finally I have arranged for a little trip up north to the beaches of Crescent City, along with my granddaughter Fiona.  I thought we weren’t going to be able to go, as she wanted her puppy to come along…and that was not something I could imagine for a 10 hour car trip.  Everything came together, though, she found someone to watch her dog and we’re leaving on Monday; we’ll be staying with my youngest son (Fiona’s dad), and his wife.


The beach on Memorial Day - 2016


  • So I have a list, have taken the car in for a tune-up, gathered up some luggage, and had a little celebratory brunch this morning at Mimi’s.  Quiche and a Triple Berry Mimosa.



july 27 breakfast

  • This will be my first beach getaway in years!  How is it that I’ve become such a stick-in-the-mud homebody?  Oh, yes, blogging and reading.  And Netflix.  This week, I’m engrossed in a new series recommended for me, since I’m so fond of the British shows.  This one is actually set in Cornwall, and it’s Doc Martin, which lots of folks have already seen, I’m sure.  I just started Season II.



doc martin

  • Now that I’m actually going away, I won’t be posting from Sunday through Wednesday next week, most likely; I was going to take my laptop, but decided…no, I should unplug.  I will have my iPhone, however, and can visit some blogs…maybe.
  • My Kindle (Pippa) is coming, of course, and I hope to get started on my August NetGalley reviews:  Damaged, by Lisa Scottoline, and The Couple Next Door, by Shari Lapena.  Then again, I might not get much reading done.














That’s it for today, and I hope you’ll stop by and chat!  I’ve been drinking iced tea this afternoon while hanging about visiting blogs.






    1. I haven’t been on a long road trip in a while. My last one was about six hours, to Napa, in 2009. Oh, and then the trip to Sedona, but I didn’t drive. My son did.

      Fiona insists on sharing the driving, and since she hasn’t had her license that long, I’m nervous. But I can’t show it. LOL. Thanks for stopping by, Lexxie…and for hosting.


  1. The idea that biscuits are breakfast items would puzzle many of us here in UK. For us these are the items yiu have with a morning coffee or afternoon tea. You call them cookies. Yiur biscuits are more like our scones, also something eaten as afternoon tea and never, ever with eggs and bacon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, yes, the “language” differences I’ve discovered while watching BBC shows…I LOVE scones, BTW. And cookies with breakfast food…no, that wouldn’t work, would it? Thanks for stopping by, Karen.


  2. How fun to have a trip with your granddaughter planned. I know you’ll have a wonderful time. I have Attachments on the shelf and need to make time to read it. Hope you enjoy Flight Patterns as much as I did. Have a nice Thursday, Laurel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m looking forward to the trip, Mary, but I’m also frantically making lists and trying not to forget anything important, like chargers for phone and Kindle. Things I didn’t take on my last trip, as it was before I had those devices.

      I am loving Flight Patterns and hope to finish it before the trip. Thanks for stopping by.


    1. I remember my grandmothers (and mother) making biscuits, the kind we call biscuits (not cookies…LOL). They were delicious!

      Maybe I have to read Eleanor and Park, then. Thanks for stopping by, Mia.


  3. I hope you have a lovely trip, it sounds wonderful.
    Haha I seem to quote a lot of food passages on my blog too, you can’t really go wrong with breakfast though can you!! I agree with the comment further up, as a Scotish person, having biscuits for breakfast seems an unusual option, although I have been known to eat cookies at all times of the day!!! 🙂
    I must admit I’ve never read anything by Rainbow Rowell, I’ve got a few on my TBR pile but I’ve never actually purchased one, perhaps Eleanor & Park will be the first!!
    Have a lovely time away!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so looking forward to the trip, although my bedroom is a chaotic assortment of duffle bags, etc. (My daughter has borrowed my best luggage!). And, yes, I have read and watched BBC shows, with biscuits quite different there than they are here, especially in our Southern states. Those biscuits are hefty and not at all like cookies. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel, and enjoy your books!


    1. I remember making them years ago. My mom used Bisquick, and so did I. They were pretty good.

      Eager to get started on the trip, now that the car is tuned up and my lists are made. LOL. Thanks for stopping by, Katherine. I hope you do try Karen White…I found her after I started blogging, and she’s a go-to Southern author.


  4. I have only read (well, listened to, really) Eleanor and Park by Rowell so far, but if it’s anything to go by, I will probably like her other work. I hope you like it when you get to it!

    I hope you have a wonderful time with your granddaughter. I’m glad she was able to make arrangements for the dog. My mom travels with her dog, but it means even more frequent stops, and sitting in her car if she stops for a meal. It’s better though than traveling alone, I think, and her dog seems to love it. Unfortunately, taking a dog with you on a road trip isn’t always that ideal.

    Take care, Laurel-Rain!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve read Fangirl, Attachments, and Landline by Rowell…so I should like Eleanor and Park. My problem has been review books and other titles clamoring for my attention.

      Fiona’s dog is a puppy, and I worried that the 10 hour trip would be challenging…for me, of course, and for the dog. So glad she made other arrangements. If she hadn’t come with me, I was planning to take the train.

      Thanks for stopping by, Wendy….and I’m now looking forward to our lengthy road trip.


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