bookish  thursdays

Welcome to Thursday, a day that once seemed lost, with nothing exciting happening anywhere.  But then that changed, and today I am celebrating some of the bookish events around the blogosphere, like Lexxie’s Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts; Kimberlyfaye’s TBR Thursday; and Christine’s Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts.




In today’s Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts snippet, my featured book is Beach Blues, by New York Times bestselling author Joanne DeMaio, who invites you to spend the summer by the sea, in a quaint New England beach town where friends and love await just outside the cottage doors.






Kyle Bradford, who runs the diner in Stony Point, is starting a new day, with some extra summer help.

“Catch you later, boss.”

“Wait.  What the—”  But when another waitress clips three new orders to his carousel, he grabs them and starts sizzling bacon and cracking eggs before things get ahead of him.  And it doesn’t take long for that to happen, not with the way Sal keeps clipping orders on the carousel, which he then gives a spin before turning back to his customers.  So Kyle wants to witness this Wall Street dude working the floor, waiting tables.  He steps back from the stove and sure enough, there’s Sal in the diner:  laughing, talking, patting folks on the shoulders.  Kyle shakes his head and gets cooking, doubling up on the eggs—sunny-side-up and scrambled—and waffles and buttermilk pancakes, sprinkling them with powdered sugar and chocolate chips, getting the home fries crisp, and adding extra toast slices.


I love breakfasts, especially the kind with eggs, waffles, pancakes…and more.  Yum!






For TBR Thursday, hosted by Kimberlyfaye Reads, I am sharing a book that I’ve had since March 2015:  Cavendon Hall, by Barbara Taylor Bradford.






An epic saga of intrigue and mystique set in Edwardian England. Cavendon Hall is home to two families, the aristocratic Inghams and the Swanns who serve them. Charles Ingham, the sixth Earl of Mowbray, lives there with his wife Felicity and their six children. Walter Swann, the premier male of the Swann family, is valet to the earl. His wife Alice, a clever seamstress who is in charge of the countess’s wardrobe, also makes clothes for the four daughters. For centuries, these two families have lived side-by-side, beneath the backdrop of the imposing Yorkshire manor. Lady Daphne, the most beautiful of the Earl’s daughters, is about to be presented at court when a devastating event changes her life and threatens the Ingham name. With World War I looming, both families will find themselves tested in ways they never thought possible. Loyalties will be challenged and betrayals will be set into motion. In this time of uncertainty, one thing is sure: these two families will never be the same again. Cavendon Hall is Barbara Taylor Bradford at her very best, and its sweeping story of secrets, love, honor, and betrayal will have readers riveted up to the very last page.


What do you think?  Should I pull it out of Kindle Purgatory and start reading?  Have any of you read it?




Let’s share some Bookish (and Not So Bookish) Thoughts, hosted by Christine.


  • I’ve been reading one book all week long.  It’s a delicious beachy read, featured above…but I’ve been distracted;
  • My Netflix viewing has continued, and I finally finished Revenge.  There were four seasons with 22 and 23 episodes in each;
  • Up next:  Season Four of Orange Is the New Black;
  • I enjoyed having dinner last night on my newly arranged table;



dining room 622


  • My son,Craig, the photographer, and his wife, went to Amsterdam where he had a job, and where they also spent some time having fun.  Here are some of the photos….Coffee is a favorite beverage, and the shops are everywhere…





  • A Waffle shop?





  • Here is the photographer himself, relaxing….






  • That’s it for my thoughts….mostly non-bookish.   I’m going to settle into my cozy bed and do some more reading…and TV watching:



June 3 bedroom changes - 1



June 3 office changes 3


Come on by and let’s chat!



    1. Thanks, Lexxie, I love breakfast goodies, too, and wish I had a waffle iron. I do have those frozen waffles, but they’re not quite the same. Sigh. Glad you could stop by, and thanks for hosting.


  1. I’m a breakfast girl – especially when I can go out for it. Love the waffle sign on the building 🙂 I haven’t read any of Bradfords books so I can’t recommend. Really looking forward to the new Joanne DeMaio book.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mary, and I’m loving Beach Blues…but it’s taking me forever to read. I don’t want to rush, I’m savoring, but I’m constantly distracted this week…lol.

      I loved Bradford’s Emma Harte series, and I’ve enjoyed a few others, but haven’t immersed myself in any of these later sagas.


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Denise, and I hope you enjoy OITNB. I also love watching old favorites that went off the networks, like Parenthood and Private Practice. Have a great rest of the week.



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