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Welcome to some bookish fun today as we share Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader; and as we showcase The Friday 56 with Freda’s Voice.

To join in, just grab a book and share the opening lines…along with any thoughts you wish to give us; then turn to page 56 and excerpt anything on the page.

Then give us the title of the book, so others can add it to their lists!

If you have been wanting to participate, but haven’t yet tried, now is the time!

What better way to spend a Friday?

Today’s featured book came right off my TBR pile, as I slowly work my way through it.  Wife-in-Law, by Haywood Smith, looks like a delightful read to me.  I have enjoyed several books by this author.





Beginning:  Somebody once asked me how I pick my friends, and I just laughed, because God usually does the picking for me, and believe me, He has a wicked sense of humor.  So when it came to my best friend in the world, never in a million years would I have chosen Kat Ellis.  And never in a trillion years would I have ever imagined that we’d both end up married to the same man—or that one of us would kill him.


56:  Perversely, I wondered if my presence would be there with them when they finally did get down and dirty.

An evil smile overtook me as I wondered if Kat liked it quick, with no foreplay.


Blurb:  Neighbors Betsy Callison and Kat Ellis were oil and water when they met thirty-five years ago.  Betsy was a prim, neat freak, Republican wife, and Kat was a wild, irreverent, hippie Democrat. But they soon discover common ground that creates a bond that lasts for decades. Until Betsy’s husband leaves her for his secretary, then comes sniffing back around two years later and convinces newly widowed Kat to marry him! Not that Betsy wants him back, but it’s hard to move on when the newlyweds are flaunting their love right across the street. But there’s trouble brewing in Paradise, and no one knows philandering Greg better than his ex-wife Betsy. Can Betsy get involved in her best friend’s marriage–even if it means helping her wife-in-law figure out the same man she shared a bed with for thirty years? Told with Haywood’s Smith inimitable southern voice, WIFE-IN-LAW provides loads of laughter, insight, and plenty of heart.


Doesn’t this sound like fun?  I can’t wait….



  1. Hi Lorraine,

    I love nothing more than a good murder and on the face of it, your opening lines are from a book made in heaven, for me.

    As this is a new to me author, I did a little checking and realised that perhaps this is storyline is all a bit too ‘cozy’ for me, although I am still sorely tempted!!

    I do hope that you enjoy the book when it reaches the top of your pile and thanks for sharing.

    Have a good weekend.



  2. This sounds like a lot of fun! The whole concept is so ridiculous and yet I can totally see it happening as well. I would probably be quite upset if my best friend married by ex-husband, but then I guess it’s ovaries before brovaries! I hope you enjoy this one! Thanks for sharing 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday Post
    Juli @ Universe in Words


    1. I had almost forgotten about it, since it was near the bottom of the stack, mostly because it’s a hardcover and bigger books end up there. Now it is on my “up next” stack on the office coffee table/trunk. Thanks for stopping by, Katherine, and enjoy your pick.


Please leave your thoughts. Comments, not awards, feed my soul. Thanks!

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