

teacups for teaser tuesdays


Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea; and Teaser Tuesdays hosted by Should Be Reading.

Today’s featured book is The Silver Boat, by Luanne Rice.





Intro:  Dar McCarthy sat on the granite step of her mother’s rambling, gray-shingled house, listening to surf break beyond the pond.  There had been a gale last night, driving in wild ocean waves, and through the salt pond’s wide bight she could see gray-green seawater tower and crash, the foam bright white in the first morning light.

Last night’s high wind had blown out all the clouds, and the dawn sky was turning what Delia used to call “happy blue.”  The sun hadn’t yet melted the frost, which glimmered on the old stone walls and spiky brown grass, the lilac branches and the stone Buddha in the herb garden.  Her mother’s ancient cats skulked home from a night of hiding under the barn, looking tufty and tiny and old.


Teaser:  Loneliness for him made Rory feel desperate, as if she’d be alone forever.  It was the worst feeling, as if she were hollow, as if she didn’t even exist without someone to love her.  (p. 58)


Amazon Blurb:  Three far-flung sisters have come home to Martha’s Vineyard one last time. Their mother’s beach house is the only place any of them ever found true happiness, and they need to begin the difficult process of letting go. Memories of their grandmother, mother, and their Irish father rise up and expose the fine cracks in their family myth — especially when a cache of old letters reveals enough truth to send them back to their ancestral homeland.


I love the setting of this one, along with a story about sisters, secrets, and loss.  Would you keep reading?



  1. Wow, love that setting! I have read a whole bunch of Ms. Rice’s books in the past, and she has one out this year that got great buzz. I love when I get reminded of authors I used to read, and for some reason stopped. I also love the Irish connection to the plot, and the sister angle. Sounds like a winner! Thanks.


  2. There is some great imagery in the intro! And your teaser sings with sadness. It definitely sounds like an interesting read. I hope you review it so I can get a clearer view. I’m a new follower. I haven’t heard of the first page/intro meme before. I’ll have to look into it. You can find my Tuesday Teaser here.


    1. I’ve never been to Martha’s Vineyard, either, but I spent one weekend in Boston many years ago, and drove along the Cape. It was just a teaser of an event, but enough to draw me in. Thanks for stopping by, Joy. I love stories about sisters, too.


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