

Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, from Tuesday/First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea; and Teaser Tuesdays hosted by Should Be Reading.

Today’s feature is Fly Away, by Kristin Hannah.

Fly away

Intro:  September 2, 2010 —  10:14 P.M.

She felt a little woozy.  It was nice, like being wrapped in a warm-from-the-dryer blanket.  But when she came to, and saw where she was, it wasn’t so nice.

She was sitting in a restroom stall, slumped over, with tears drying on her cheeks.  How long had she been here?  She got slowly to her feet and left the bathroom, pushing her way through the theater’s crowded lobby, ignoring the judgmental looks cast her way by the beautiful people drinking champagne beneath a glittering nineteenth century chandelier.  The movie must be over.


Teaser:  She was gone.  So were her gold flip-flops.  And her purse.  Those were the only things he knew for sure, but it was enough to tell him that she hadn’t been abducted.  p. 46


Amazon Blurb:

Once, a long time ago, I walked down a night-darkened road called Firefly Lane, all alone, on the worst night of my life, and I found a kindred spirit. That was our beginning. More than thirty years ago. TullyandKate. You and me against the world. Best friends forever. But stories end, don’t they? You lose the people you love and you have to find a way to go on. . . .

Tully Hart has always been larger than life, a woman fueled by big dreams and driven by memories of a painful past. She thinks she can overcome anything until her best friend, Kate Ryan, dies. Tully tries to fulfill her deathbed promise to Kate—to be there for Kate’s children—but Tully knows nothing about family or motherhood or taking care of people.

Sixteen-year-old Marah Ryan is devastated by her mother’s death. Her father, Johnny, strives to hold the family together, but even with his best efforts, Marah becomes unreachable in her grief. Nothing and no one seems to matter to her . . . until she falls in love with a young man who makes her smile again and leads her into his dangerous, shadowy world.

Dorothy Hart—the woman who once called herself Cloud—is at the center of Tully’s tragic past. She repeatedly abandoned her daughter, Tully, as a child, but now she comes back, drawn to her daughter’s side at a time when Tully is most alone. At long last, Dorothy must face her darkest fear: Only by revealing the ugly secrets of her past can she hope to become the mother her daughter needs.

A single, tragic choice and a middle-of-the-night phone call will bring these women together and set them on a poignant, powerful journey of redemption. Each has lost her way, and they will need each one another—and maybe a miracle—to transform their lives.

An emotionally complex, heart-wrenching novel about love, motherhood, loss, and new beginnings, Fly Away reminds us that where there is life, there is hope, and where there is love, there is forgiveness. Told with her trademark powerful storytelling and illuminating prose, Kristin Hannah reveals why she is one of the most beloved writers of our day.


What do you think?  Would you keep reading?


    1. I had quite a time getting this one, Harvee…I had preordered it; then it was on Vine, so I requested it and cancelled the preorder. Then it didn’t come…and I got an e-mail saying the order was cancelled. But then it showed up! Serendipity?


  1. Literary Feline

    I’ve been wanting to read this one since I first heard about it. I’ve yet to read anything by this author, but keep meaning to. Great tease!


  2. Tiffany Drew

    I have a copy of this on my shelf and I can’t wait to finally read it!

    Thanks for stopping by Book Cover Justice 🙂


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