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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGood morning!  For those whose time changed today, how are you faring?

Did you feel cheated of that hour?  And did the time change seem to come very early this year?  I can remember when the time changes were in April and October.  Always.  I guess there isn’t much that isn’t subject to change or the whims of those in charge of these things.

At any rate…Welcome to our first of Spring Sunday Salon.  

Here’s what I’ve been doing for the past half hour:  changing my numerous clocks.  Starting with these:

A few of my clocks
A few of my clocks

The one on the extreme left stays the same time forever.  I removed its battery due to very loud noises emitting from it.  Tick-tock at high volume.

Okay…enough about that.  At my Saturday Snapshot post yesterday, I enjoyed sharing my visit to an old favorite library:  one in the town where I once lived.

Rustic Look
Rustic Look

I like the open rafters.

Now let’s talk about the week in blogging and reading.

Tomorrow, please check in at Rainy Days and Mondays for my tour stop of Blue Jeans and Coffee Beans, by Joanne DeMaio.  Loved the book!

On the Blogs:

A Monday of Musing:  Come Chat With Us

Spring Forward: Or The Times They Are A-Changing

Thursday Potpourri: Random Thoughts & Bookish Things

Saturday Potpourri:  Nostalgia, Movies, & Books

Sweet Saturday Sample:  Coping

Books Read-Click Titles/Covers for Reviews:

1.  Attachments, by Rainbow Rowell


2.  The Day After Yesterday, by Kelly Cozy


3.  Half Broke Horses (e-book), by Jeannette Walls (Mt. TBR Challenge)


4.  Promises to Keep, by Jane Green



And today I’m reading The View from Penthouse B, by Elinor Lipman.  A story about making do in New York City during difficult times…oh, yeah, those times are now.


What does your day…week….look like?   I also enjoyed a couple of movies this week, but my favorite was Hitchcock, with Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren.



  1. Surprisingly, even though I got to bed late last night, I still woke up early — to write my Sunday Salon post. It was a bit late, but not too bad.

    I’ve always wanted to read Jeannette Walls, but haven’t gotten to her yet. Maybe some day.


    1. I’ve had Half Broke Horses on Sparky (Kindle) since I first got it, in December 2010! I can’t believe I waited so long to read it, but it was an unputdownable read. I have preordered her new book, The Silver Star, coming in June.

      Thanks for stopping by, Bryan…and good luck with those books that you slog through….


  2. readerbuzz

    Nice, busy reading week. I hope to do some writing at my blog this next week while I’m off for spring break. And maybe a little resting. And, of course, reading.


    1. Thanks, Deb…enjoy your spring break! In the spirit of spring things, I think I’ll clean the leaves out of my patio (compliments of the gardeners! Ugh!).

      Hope you have a great week….enjoy. And thanks for stopping by.


    1. Thanks, Harvee…and yes, I do like it when it stays daylight longer…wish they would decide when we should change the time and stick to it! lol

      Glad you could stop by…and I’m enjoying The View from Penthouse B.


  3. You know what? I was thinking about the same thing (time changing in April and October). I remember when Easter was in April. What happened? Half-Broke Horses is a book that I’ve been meaning to read for ages. Have a good week.


    1. Thanks, Vasilly…and the worst thing about how the time changes in strange ways is not knowing about it ahead of time. Why is that?

      Glad you could stop by…hope you do enjoy Half Broke Horses…I did!


  4. Nice library! As for the time change, we managed to get up and out the door on time this morning — barely.

    Thanks for the list of your reviews this past week — definitely want to read Half-Broke Horses someday, but I need to read The Glass Castle first. My daughter read it for a class and liked it very much.

    Thank you for stopping by my Sunday Post earlier! Have a great week!


  5. Books in the Burbs

    You had a productive day!! Love all your clocks…I must admit, I love clocks,too 😉 I have 3 in my living room alone! You’ve had a busy week, have a great Sunday 😀


    1. Thanks, Lisa…and I didn’t plan to have a clock collection, but every time I found one that seemed perfect for one of the others…well, it sort of grew.

      It’s only a problem for me during time-changing seasons.


  6. Lovely collection of clocks! We only have a few to change, the rest (on phones and computers) change themselves, which is quite nice. It sounds like you had a great week of reading and blogging!


  7. The time change must be quite an adventure for you with all those clocks! I’m terrible, I’ll usually change enough clocks to get by and leave a few unchanged to confuse me for a while. LOL! It does seem to be particularly early this year. I’m used to it being a little nicer outside when it’s time to change the clocks so that I can balance out the sadness of losing an hour with the happiness of enjoying spring weather. 🙂


  8. purplemoonmyst

    I read the Glass Castle years ago and loved it. I will have to check out her other books. It does seem that spring forward came way to early this year and I did a double take when i realized Easter was in March. Oh well what can we do? 🙂


    1. Glad you enjoyed the review. I loved the book!

      I found the movie on the On Demand channel,Susan…and I enjoyed it, although I see that some reviews were not that great. I enjoy Anthony Hopkins and Helen Mirren….


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