Welcome to The Sunday Salon, where we share our thoughts about reading, blogging, life….and whatever.

Yes, my title today sounds a bit dramatic, but I can still hear the moans and groans as my youngest grandson lamented his final week of summer vacation.  School starts on Monday for him!

Here he was, lounging about and bemoaning his fate.

Oh, please, say it isn't so!

Is that a sad face, or what?

I had a good week, though, despite the moaning and groaning (he was at my house twice this week!).

I got a lot of writing done on my two WIPs; I talked to my publishing consultant to make some tentative plans; and I even read some books.

My Blogging World (minus the memes!):

8-17 CHECK-IN: ROW 80



Books Read and Reviewed-Click Titles for Reviews:

1.  I’m Just Sayin’, by Kim Zimmer

2.  Northwest Corner, by John Burnham Schwartz

3.  Little Black Dress, by Susan McBride


I enjoyed the variety in my week, from writing and reading, to hanging out with my grandson.

Today starts a read-a-long over at Three R’s Blogging.  A reread of The Handmaid’s Tale has me excited about the days ahead.

Have you read it?  It’s been awhile since I did; more recently, I saw the movie (again!).

It’s frightening in its eerie realism, even as it seems to be fantasy.


What did you do this past week?  What are your plans for today?  Come on over and share your thoughts.


  1. Summer is drawing to a close here in London, too – though the children don’t go back to school until the first week in September. It’s definitely getting darker earlier and it has been raining for the last few days, too.

    I read The Handmaid’s Tale years ago – it’s brilliant but miserable, isn’t it?

    Enjoy your week.


    1. One of my granddaughters started school two weeks ago (August 8), which seemed VERY early.

      We do enjoy the summers with them, don’t we?

      I did like Little Black Dress…hope you do, too, and thanks for stopping by, Harvee.


  2. I’m just sayin has been on my list for a while, I’ll have to bump it up, it sounds lovely.

    I know many teachers who are sporting that same sad-face today. I’m taking one last day-trip to the beach before the official end of summer. (Luckily the beach is 15 minutes away and we can do that!) I can’t believe the school year starts tomorrow.

    Thanks for stopping in!


    1. Oh, you are lucky to be so close to the beach! Enjoy!!

      Even though I’m not headed back to school, I feel as though the summer is over, too. But I can still make it to the beach in the next few weeks (two hours away). Thanks for visiting, Doris.


    1. Yes, it is sad, but I also love fall. The crispness in the air makes me feel energized.

      I loved the Kim Zimmer book…and another one I enjoyed this summer was Carolyn Hinsey’s Afternoon Delight.

      Thanks for stopping by, Yvonne.


  3. My sons are already moaning about the end of summer coming too soon and they’ve still got three more weeks. 🙂

    Have fun with the readalong! I read The Handmaid’s Tale just last year so I’m not going to be joining in.


    1. It’s sad for kids to give up their leisure time, isn’t it? But they’ll soon be engrossed in school and everything that brings. Hopefully.

      I’m looking forward to rereading The Handmaid’s Tale. I watched the movie (again) fairly recently…well, right after Natasha Richardson died, when it was playing on TV.

      I guess that was a couple of years ago! How time flies.

      Thanks for stopping by, Alyce.


  4. I’m quite familiar with the look your grandson had… I had it a lot when I was growing up and not looking forward to going back to school. Oh the days of youth where I had very few worries!

    With the prior week dog-sitting, I’m hoping to get back on track with reading Marx’s Capital. Earlier in the day, my wife and I went to a baseball game in downtown DC, but after the rain delay, headed back here. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today! Here’s my post.


    1. Yes, if only the young knew how much better they have it during their school days! LOL

      It must be great living near DC. I hope to visit there someday. The closest I’ve been was Boston, for one quick weekend in the eighties.

      Another lifetime!

      Thanks for stopping by, Jeremy.


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