Good morning blogging world!  Welcome to another Sunday Salon, where we gather around and talk blogging, reading, and life.

I am still reeling a bit from how Blogger kicked our butts last week.  I wasn’t posting on any of my Blogger sites this week, but I sure noticed what was happening when I tried to visit some of you!  Wow!  This is the first encounter I’ve had with a shut-down like this one.  Any thoughts?

Other than that, it’s been a great week!  I read some interesting books, wrote for four hours on the WIP I’m rewriting, and even talked about what I did on my writing blog Snow Chronicles.

This ROW 80 Challenge I’m doing has really kicked my butt into gear!

Today it’s raining…again.  What’s up with the weather, people?  Sunny, then rainy…but in some parts of the world, the weather is horrific, so I guess I can’t complain.

Here’s a photo I love.  My granddaughter and a friend went to the beach and did something that looks like fun.

My granddaughter is the one on the left.

So now let’s talk about reading.  Here are the books I finished and reviewed this week.  You can click the titles for the reviews.

1.  Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, by Helen Simonson

2.  The Ghost of Greenwich Village, by Lorna Graham

3.  I’m Over All That, by Shirley MacLaine

Still Reading:

The Lake of Dreams, by Kim Edwards

I hope to have this one finished today.  There are secrets from the past; a little environmental stuff; a gorgeous setting…so I’m ready to plunge back into this one.

What are the rest of you up to today?  What did your week look like?  I hope you’ll pop in and share….

22 thoughts on “THE SUNDAY SALON — RAINY DAY — MAY 15

    1. I read somewhere that a “corruption” occurred and was discovered during maintenance…whatever that means!

      I’ve never seen anything like it before. Hope it doesn’t happen again! Thanks for stopping by, Shannon.


  1. justbookreading

    I spent all last week inside for a work conference and couldn’t wait for Saturday when it rained all day. I’ve got sun today though and some time for reading outdoors! The Ghost of Greenwich Village looks interesting. I’ll have to check out your review.


    1. Oh, I agree, Unfinished Person. Most of my blogs are on Word Press…I have two still on Blogger, but I don’t go there very much. One of them I’m still hanging onto because it was the first blog I created; the other one has a lot of followers (for me!).

      I don’t know how to transfer everything to Word Press. When I “merged” some of my previous Blogger sites with new ones on Word Press, I only copied some of the stuff.


  2. Ugh – blogger! It took me hours to type out my review for a book tour on Monday, and when blogger restored it it was as an unfinished draft instead of a prescheduled post – and it was missing my entire review. I had to re-type it yesterday.


    1. Very frustrating indeed! Alyce, even though Word Press has occasional issues or even brief down periods, I’ve never encountered the difficulties here as I’ve dealt with on Blogger.

      Thanks for stopping by, Alyce.


  3. I used to use Blogger, but eventually moved to WordPress, found it much easier to use for someone who doesn’t have a lot coding experience. 🙂

    I hear you on the weather, we’ve had a few days of nice weather here in the DC area, but we’re supposed to be cloudy and rainy for most of the upcoming week. Looks like we have a bit of a lull going on right now with the sun out a bit.

    Love the picture of your grand-daughter!


    1. I want to visit DC someday! And NY…etc.

      The closest I’ve come was Boston once…a long time ago.

      Yes, I’m happier on Word Press. I do still have two sites on Blogger.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  4. Ugh Blogger! What an agonizing few days! I had a tour date on Friday and no blog available. Eventually on saturday night I was back on the blog. I would switch to WordPress, but so settled in here after so many years. Next blog though would be a wordpress.

    As for this week! Wow, some great books there! I loved Major Pettigrew, I had picked it as my reading groups choice this past month. And I had picked up The Ghost of Greenwich Village at the bookstore a few weeks ago. It looked so interesting! Now I’m off to read your review!

    AND I just love the photo of your granddaughter and her friend!

    Have a great week!


    1. Thanks…yes, I always enjoy the antics of the grandkids, and their photos.

      I was so pleasantly surprised by both Major Pettigrew and The Ghost of Greenwich Village.

      Thanks for stopping by, and enjoy your week.


  5. Gollee, I almost can’t look at water after hearing about so much flooding. Still, your background is pretty. I luv all your books. I really liked Kim Edwards first book, The Memory Keeper’s Daughter. Somehow I feel like the title doesn’t look right. I might have a word wrong. I did see Shirley Maclaine on Oprah recently. She is just herself, totally earthy. I really enjoyed the interview. I couldn’t believe Blogger last week either. If that would happen again…..


    1. I saw that interview on Oprah, too. Loved it!

      Sorry about the water images…LOL

      The Memory Keeper’s Daughter is correct…but it is such an unusual title.

      Thanks for stopping by, Tea.


  6. These books all sound good.

    It was a mess with Blogger and I know I lost all my comments on Thursday’s posts. I considered changing to Word Press and I even started a blog over there, but it’s so much work to move things over. I’m so settled in at Blogger and after three years this is the only time I ever had a problem. I don’t know…we’ll see if I’ll change over. For now, I’m staying where I am.


    1. Yvonne, I can relate to what you’re saying. My three-year-old blog is still on Blogger. It would be too hard to move everything.

      I just created new blogs on Word Press! Thanks for stopping by.


      1. I might eventually do that. I’ve been wanting to add either a cozy mystery or TV blog. So, if I ever do go ahead with that, I might just use the new one I started on WP. I need to play around a little more though and get used to it.


  7. That’s how I got so many blogs, Yvonne…playing around on Word Press…LOL

    I liked the variety of themes, etc., so it worked well with my eclectic needs.

    In learning Word Press, I discovered that I could ask Sheila questions about how to do things, and learned that way.

    Feel free to ask me anything…LOL


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