BOOKISH FRIDAY: “Women & Children First”

Welcome to another Bookish Friday, in which we  share excerpts from books…and connect with other bloggers who do the same.

Let’s begin the celebration by sharing Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader; and let’s showcase The Friday 56 with My Head Is Full of Books.

To join in, just grab a book and share the opening lines…along with any thoughts you wish to give us; then turn to page 56 and excerpt anything on the page.

Today’s feature is one of my new boos:  Women and Children First, by Alina Grabowski


Book Beginnings:


On the last Saturday in May, I drown in my sleep. It happens quickly. I’m standing at the edge of the ocean and when I look down into the water, the wobbly hand of my reflection reaches up to pull me under.


Friday 56:

It occurs to me that my father doesn’t think I’m capable of hurting anyone, myself included. I yawn and he presses the car keys into my hand.


Synopsis:A gripping literary puzzle that unwinds the private lives of ten women as they confront tragedy in a small Massachusetts town.

Nashquitten, MA, is a decaying coastal enclave that not even tourist season can revive, full of locals who have run the town’s industries for generations. When a young woman dies at a house party, the circumstances around her death suspiciously unclear, the tight-knit community is shaken. As a mother grieves her daughter, a teacher her student, a best friend her confidante, the events around the tragedy become a lightning rod: blame is cast, secrets are buried deeper. Some are left to pick up the pieces, while others turn their backs, and all the while, a truth about that dreadful night begins to emerge.

Told through the eyes of ten local women, Grabowski’s Women and Children First is an exquisite portrait of grief and a powerful reminder of life’s interconnectedness. Touching on womanhood, class, and sexuality, ambition, disappointment, and tragedy, this novel is a stunning rendering of love and loss, and a bracing lesson from a phenomenal new literary talent that no one walks this earth alone.


Would you keep reading?


10 thoughts on “BOOKISH FRIDAY: “Women & Children First”

  1. Literary Feline

    This sounds amazing, Laurel-Rain. The excerpts you shared and the blurb earned this one a spot on my wish list. I don’t think I could read this one without tears. I hope you have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

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